Mars in 12th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 2, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

The Mars in 12th House person likes to explore the unknown or things that are random and spontaneous.

Mixing of business with pleasure or associates is another behavior from this placement. Paranoia and subtle distrust of superiors may also be associated with this placement.

They are not social creatures by nature but they do well in charity work for friends and family.

He or she is often on a quest to find meaning through religion or service to others. This person’s search for personal fulfillment may at times appear rather frantic and frantic, but there is no denying the strength of purpose behind such efforts.

People with Mars in the 12th have much to offer those around them. It is just a matter of their being willing to set aside some of their time and energy to get involved and make a difference.

What Does Mars in the 12th House Mean?

Mars in the 12th House persons have a compassionate side that is introverted and shy at times. You will find them giving advice others will often not ask for, and they seem to have a mind reading ability at times.

They are strong leaders who are very hard working, but they may show their less favorable qualities when they feel tired or not up to par.

This placement is an indication of your psychic abilities. When Mars, the planet of action and excitement; is in such a position, you are sure to be involved in situations that excite you, stir the emotions and awaken your interest.

Mars in the 12th House people are skeptical, reserved and distant. They are seen as detached from others and feel unclear about what they need to do to achieve their goals.

They often find themselves trapped in an unsatisfactory situation, merely going through the motions of everyday living.

They are sometimes boisterous and extroverted, but their behavior is not truly individualistic. It is imposing, sometimes overbearing, always innovative, and unique.

They would do best to be among scientists or philosophers rather than in the business world. They need a change of pace every so often, especially from routine situations and people.

Mars in the 12th House people are original, inventive and inventive. They can be highly critical with a great sense of judgement on others. Their ideas and initiative can cause problems for them at times which can affect their life path.

They evolve into the future rather than dwell on the past but their views may not always be appreciated by others who do not share their views.

They could be considered unpredictable or eccentric by others yet they have a deep fascination with life involved in the big picture.

Mars in 12th House Woman

The Mars in 12th House woman is driven by their emotions and more. This placement is not one for the faint of heart, but when she shows up in your life, be grateful and make friends with her fast because they are few and far between.

Mars here is where she exudes all her most masculine qualities, so as you can imagine, this placement is not your typical feminine persona.

A woman with Mars in the 12th House has a loving, compassionate soul who instinctively listens to others. She works well with groups and can be most helpful for those in need.

The supportive nature of this placement makes her quite popular as she can often resolve problems before they arise.

However, her diplomatic ways can make her the target for unscrupulous individuals who have an ulterior motive. She needs to work on trusting those around her instead of second guessing motives.

Mars in the 12th House woman is reserved and thoughtful, careful and somewhat shy. Discretion is her middle name, and she takes care to reveal only a carefully selected portion of herself to others. This Mars placement tends to be somewhat cool, even aloof.

It is said that women with this Mars placement possess a stealthy, seductive air about them, they are deceptive and powerful to say the very least.

They are the secretive type of woman who is not afraid to keep things to herself and have no problem with secrets of others.

Once you’ve found a Mars in the 12th House, you’ve struck gold. These women are classy and, at the same time, alluring. They know how to use their charm to get what they want.

Smart yet vulnerable, these reserved women have a hard time trusting others until they feel entirely comfortable with them.

Shy introverts who can fiercely protect their relationships. These women often lack a female mentor. They rely on men for advice and guidance but they usually don’t divulge much about their feelings because they don’t trust people easily.

Often they’ll go to the ends of the Earth to help someone in need, but they expect nothing in return. Because this is an earth sign, they are very career-focused and like to get things done properly and correctly.

She can be extremely jealous and secretive. She often surrounds herself with secrets and mysteries.

Mars in 12th House Man

Compassionate and cautious, these Mars in 12th House men tend to be quiet and often set apart from others. Beliefs will differ from typical dispositions and they may be out of touch with modern trends.

These men have an intuitive sense of knowing what is best, but they can also intimidate those around them.

Their stubbornness can get the best of them when explaining their viewpoints as they try to convince others that their opinion is the right one.

Making decisions is never easy for these men as their cautious nature regulates them from taking risks.

The Mars in the 12th House man is a mysterious, self-admiring and withdrawn person. He is full of unexplored talents originating from his own intelligence. He truly believes that he has reasons to be shy and retiring.

Thus it is hard for him to make friends; for he does not feel comfortable with others unless he can establish some kind of closeness. And he would never open up easily, as he wants to maintain his natural obscurity.

The Mars in 12th House man can be destructive and irresponsible. Mars will overreact to the power of those things which are linked to his sign as well as some of the other planets.

He is a strong and determined individual, who understands his responsibilities towards people. He likes to stay away from the crowd but he is also a loner by nature.

The 12th house Mars man likes to remain silent and enjoys being in the company of himself or some close friends.

He is usually reserved and quiet, always thinking of ways to be protected from harm. Mistrustful of other people, he is an aggressive fighter when disturbed.

Such a one can be a fine leader as long as he is left to his own devices, but his confidence in himself often results in his being master of his fate.

Mars in the 12th House can indicate a man who has the ability to achieve great things, and enjoys the fruits of his labor he did not work for it. However, ultimately his actions may result in failure.

He is really one of the most dangerous men or women. He likes doing strange things that others do not understand, but in fact, they are looking for new areas and look for opportunities.

This Mars placement indicates a person who will want to maintain as much secrecy as possible and will do everything to stay out of the spotlight.

Mars in the 12th house has some of the most mythical talents and skills. Mars is the planet of action and energy.

When this planet is located in the 12th house, it means that any man born with Mars here has plenty of energy. He usually takes initiative or left up to him will take initiative to carry out any activities.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Mars in the 12th house of astrology means that you tend to be nurtured and protected by someone else or by circumstances.

You have an active fantasy life, and a love of risk taking. In this position, Mars is not directed outward, so it is possible to veer off course and become sidetracked with daydreams and idealistic notions.

This placement often makes you self-destructive or unable to defend yourself and your plan. This position can cause you to make impulsive decisions without thinking them through and saying what you really feel.

Your subconscious puts so much pressure on you that it affects your relationships with others and basically, everything stops working out for you.

Mars in 12th house people have a strong sense of morality. They are perceived as quiet and submissive at times but can be competitive and highly egotistical.

They are very ambitious, capable and resourceful individuals who make excellent strategists. They work well in careers involving computers, electrical appliances, and dynamism.

If Mars is placed in the 12th House, you can expect a difficult and challenging experience. Your aggressiveness might be a little hidden.

Mars symbolizes our drive, energy, passion and desires. In a person’s chart, Mars placement is crucial for determining how primal impulses and instincts are expressed.

If Mars is located in the 12th House, the individual will possess strong emotions; This placement indicates someone who inwardly feels frustrated but may covertly seek attention by being rebellious or even impulsive with their actions.

They are likely to be disinterested in physical appearances and compensate for it by developing an interest in the metaphysical world.

Shyness and nervousness can cause a lot of problems in your life, people with Mars here are often very sensitive to the opinions of others and as such these people tend to dress down a little or even subconsciously try to look unattractive as they feel safer that way.

Meaning in Synastry

Mars in 12th House synastry is fun as long as you don’t take offense too easily. Your lover may be short on tact but long on imagination, a volatile mix that occasionally leads to spectacular success.

One of the most prominent indications of Mars in the 12th House synastry is a tendency to take risks, which can lead to big rewards or colossal failure.

Whenever your lover starts telling stories about how he was wronged in the past, try to keep your temper.

The 12th House of your Mars synastry chart is all about deep personal growth. Mars in this house wants you both to explore the unknown together, and to dig deep into yourselves.

This is a powerful house, so there will be many obstacles that you must overcome. A whole new understanding of love will emerge through your experiences.

This is a challenging influence because you and your partner have entirely different outlooks. Your partner’s secret thoughts are easy to read, while yours remain hidden.

With a Mars in 12th House synastry aspect, you can never expect your partner to understand you completely; it’s just not possible.

Sometimes your partner will feel that you’re withholding information from him or her; this could even lead to conflict and jealousy.

The person is objective and may display all manner of aggressions ranging from yelling at the landlord or others in authority to yelling at a television set or computer screen. Or, they may be so passive that you have to pull emotions out of them.

All relationships have their ups and downs, but when the planet Mars is in a 12th House relationship, those ups and downs can be more dramatic. The 12th House has to do with loss and hidden enemies, as well as family patterns.

For this reason, when Mars moves into a 12th House in synastry, it can indicate a partner has an issue that causes them to lose confidence or feel defeated.

This could come in the form of a hidden enemy that is causing marital strife, such as infidelity, or drinking problems. It may also indicate an awkward pattern of behavior passing through generations of your families.

Some of the synastry between Mars and planets in the twelfth house is that Mars, being an extroverted planet, may come across to others as somewhat self-righteous and non tolerant of others with opposing views.

Mars may also seem more aggressive here if there are any other signs or planets in the twelfth house.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Mars in the 12th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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