Almost Done. Here's What to Do Next...

Thank you for sharing your private prayer request with me. I will keep you in my prayers.

I am so grateful that God connected us today. I have experienced firsthand the incredible power of prayer and look forward to sharing this gift with you.

A few years ago I went on a journey to discover how to unlock abundance through prayer. I uncovered many secrets along the way and began to see my life transform in ways I never could have imagined.

Today I would like to share these same secrets with you…

One of the easiest things I did to start getting my prayers answered was to write in my prayer journal each morning.

This had such a big impact on my life, I knew I had to share it with others.

So, I created a printable version of my prayer journal that you can print out at home and start using today.

For a limited time only I am offering a 60% fast-action discount on my “Printable Prayer Journal” to those that need help during these challenging times.

This printable prayer journal normally sells for $27, but if you use the special link below you can get access for just $10 for a limited time only.

Click here to download your copy of my printable prayer journal

Printable Prayer Journal

I hope to see you on the next page.

Note: If you subscribed to my “Pray and Plan” newsletter you will receive your first issue on Monday. Keep an eye out for an email from me, Ryan Hart (

God bless,

Ryan Hart

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