Level 10 Life: A Simple Worksheet to Track Your Goals

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 7, 2018 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

If you were to rate the satisfaction or success in your life on a scale of 1 to 10, what score would you give yourself?

I think we can all agree that we would much rather be at level 10 than level 1. But if you scored yourself lower than a 10, what can you do to improve your scores?

Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning, says, “If we’re measuring our levels of success/satisfaction in any area of our lives, we all want to be living our best lives at a ‘Level 10’ in each area." Hal goes on to say that the best way to create your “Level 10 Life” is to take an honest assessment of where you are in each area of your life that you want to improve.

The Level 10 Life worksheet is a simple way to keep track of your personal growth on a monthly or quarterly basis. The worksheet uses a “wheel of life assessment” to gauge where you are now and a plan improve each area of your life.

One reason the Level 10 Life worksheet has become so popular is because you can easily replicate it in your weekly planner or bullet journal. Follow along below to learn how to create a Level 10 Life diagram in your journal.

Part 1: How to Divide a Circle into 10 Equal Parts

If you are a perfectionist, like me, you will quickly learn that it is difficult to divide a circle into 10 equal parts in order to create a Level 10 Life diagram.

Luckily, there is a simple way we can make sure all pieces of the circle are identical (without taking a geometry class). I recommend completing the steps below in pencil first before you outline it in pen.

  • Step 1. Divide the circle into 4 equal pieces
  • Step 2: Draw a horizontal line at ¼ and ¾ of the circle
  • Step 3: Divide the remaining sections in half with 4 more lines
  • Step 4: Mark dots on the top and bottom line where they intersect the circle
  • Step 5: Mark dots on the 3rd and 5th lines where they intersect the circle
  • Step 6: Draw a line from the center of the circle to each of the dots!

Note: if you are using a lined or dot grid notebook your circle should be 8, 16 or 24 lines tall. Then you can easily divide it into 8 equal horizontal sections per the instructions above.

Is drawing a perfect circle too intimidating? You can also design your Level 10 Life assessment as a simple 10x10 square grid. Label your areas of focus on the left hand side of the grid and on the top number the boxes from 1 to 10. Then, color in each box according to your score in each area.

Part 2: Select 10 Areas of Your Life to Review

The next step in completing the Level 10 Life worksheet is to pick 10 areas of your life to review. Some of the most common areas include health, career, finances, marriage, etc. No doubt, these are areas of our lives that we all need work on, but I chose to go a different direction with my Level 10 Life worksheet.

The problem with these categories is that they force us to compare ourselves to others in order to calculate an arbitrary score. This comparison game is a never ending quest for satisfaction and ultimately leads to disappointment. I hope my example below inspires you to look beyond the normal categories.

I chose to focus on 9 core areas which I have complete control over and I can make meaningful progress towards each day. These same core habits are an integral part of the Glorious Planner, which is a great reminder of how I can reach my Level 10 Life each week.

So what are the 9 areas I chose to focus on? They are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. You may recognize these as “The Fruits of The Holy Spirit” from Galatians 5:22 in the Bible, but they are useful whether you are religious or not.

Another reason I chose these areas to focus on is because they make it easier to give myself a true score. I am only comparing myself to what I know I am capable of, not to what others have achieved.

When filling out my Level 10 Life worksheet I ask myself the following questions:

Area of FocusQuestion: On a Scale from 1 to 10...
LoveHow often do I demonstrate my compassion for others?
JoyHow often do I acknowledge the good feeling in my soul?
PeaceHow often do I trust God in all circumstances?
PatienceHow often do I accept discomfort without getting upset?
KindnessHow often do I help others in need?
GoodnessHow often do I act selflessly on behalf of others?
GentlenessHow often do I give God complete control of my life?
FaithfulnessHow often do I show my faith when God is silent?
Self-ControlHow often do I let God help me avoid temptation?

Whether you are new to the Level 10 Life system or have tried it in the past, I highly recommend using these 9 areas at least once. I am confident you will feel more satisfied and walk away with a better action plan on how you can improve your life going forward.

In the event you want more to include more traditional areas to focus on, I’ve included a list of the most common ideas below. Feel free to pick 8-10 to review when completing your Level 10 Life worksheet.

  • Health and Fitness
  • Food and Diet
  • Physical Environment
  • Giving/Contribution
  • Fun and Recreation
  • Dating or Marriage
  • Spirituality
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Personal Development
  • Family and Friends
  • Travel
  • Home
  • Grades
  • Hobbies
  • Journaling
  • Stress
  • Happiness
  • Energy
  • Family Time
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Karma
  • Relationships
  • Social life
  • Attitude
  • Gratitude

No matter which categories you pick, them most important thing to remember is that you should rate yourself based on what you care capable of. Resist the urge to compare yourself to others and their “perfect” social media posts.

Part 3: Create a List of Ways You Plan to Improve Your Scores

The final step of the Level 10 Life assessment is to review your scores and outline ways you plan to improve your scores. You could call these your Level 10 Goals.

When creating a list of goals it is important to focus on action-based goals, rather than results-based goals. What does that mean?

The most effective goals are those that focus on specific tasks you can complete within a certain time period. For example, rather than setting a goal to lose 10 pounds(results-based), you should set a goal to go for a 20-minute brisk walk each evening (action-based).

Then incorporate these action based goals into your weekly planner or habit tracker to keep yourself accountable. Start with small actions then work your way up to more difficult habits you hope to build.

My Glorious Planner includes a page dedicated to my 9 areas of focus each month where I can record my action-based goals. Then I pick 3 to focus on each week. Narrowing my focus to just a few important areas prevents me from becoming overwhelmed and it feels great when I actually make progress.


There is a famous quote that says “what gets measured gets managed.” I think this quotes perfectly sums up why the Level 10 Life exercise is so powerful. By taking a few minutes to measure the satisfaction with our lives we can then take the necessary steps to manage and improve our lives.

The Wheel of Life assessment is a very simple way to quantify our satisfaction and progress towards our goals. However, it is only useful if you use it on a regular basis. Remember, we need to continually “measure” so we can properly “manage” the outcome of our lives.

I encourage you to reflect on the most important areas of your life each month in your planner. Then, schedule time to make progress toward your goals.

If you decide to create your own Level 10 Life assessment, please share it with me on social media. I would love to see it. You can find me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as @CallRyanHart.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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