10 Best Confidence Books to Build Self-Esteem [2024]

by Ryan Hart | Updated on June 4, 2024 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Making big decisions in life, advocating for yourself, and standing up for what you believe in: these are all things that require a good sense of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Unfortunately, too many of us struggle with low self-esteem, which can affect our relationships and keep us from making the choices we really want to.

These self-confidence books offer a variety of methods for overcoming negative self-talk and learning to see yourself in a new light.

Person reading a book

What are the best books on building confidence?

There are many books designed to help people build their confidence. These approach the issue from different viewpoints and offer various methods for overcoming low self-esteem. When choosing which is “best,” it really comes down to finding one that speaks to you and your experiences.

You might try one of these and not have a lot of success with it. Don’t be frustrated! You may just need to find another school of thought with which you connect. To get started, check out our top recommendations for confidence books below.

1. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem * * has been one of the leading self-help books since it was published in 1994. In this book, renowned psychologist Dr. Nathaniel Branden draws on decades of professional experience to provide actionable steps for improving self-esteem.

These include living consciously, self-acceptance, responsibility, purpose, integrity, and self-assertion. These principles can be applied to many areas of life, whether you are trying to be more assertive in your personal relationships or just feel better about your self-perception.

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2. Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly * * is the work of researcher and professor Brene Brown, who drew on her own experiences with self-deprecation and addiction to form her thesis.

The book is more than just a recipe to improve self-esteem; it is a painstaking breakdown of why we suffer from low self-esteem and how it can complicate vulnerability, relationships, and other aspects of life.

Daring Greatly explores these themes and ways to be vulnerable without fear, whether in relationships, friendships, families, or workplaces.

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3. Mindset


If you’re a big believer in having a good attitude, you’re in good company. Mindset * * explores the idea of a healthy mindset and how it can affect how you see the world, yourself, and your relationships.

Psychologist Carol S. Dweck’s formation of this idea isn’t as simple as it sounds, and there are “true” and “false” mindsets of which everyone needs to be aware.

If you are looking to improve your self-confidence by reordering your entire worldview, Mindset could be the book for you.

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4. You Are a Badass

You Are a Badass

It can be hard to accept compliments from others, and hearing that we’re amazing doesn’t always make us believe it. But You Are a Badass * * does so much more to help you learn to believe that you really are great!

In 35 chapters, life coach Jen Sincero outlines easy exercises for changing your perception of yourself, becoming more confident, and living the life you want to live.

You Are a Badass is an easy-to-read book with funny anecdotes, important life lessons, and simple exercises to change your mindset.

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5. The Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection

Often, our lack of self-confidence is rooted in the need to be perfect. In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown explores the reasons why we feel this way and how we can learn to adjust our expectations. Sometimes this fear is related to societal expectations or standards from our parents.

Brown’s book offers ten lessons on how to adjust your thinking and accept yourself as you are while acknowledging your imperfections.

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6. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

You’ve probably heard the saying that bravery isn’t the absence of fearFeel the Fear and Do It Anyway * * challenges readers to separate their emotions from making scary choices.

Dr. Susan Jeffers helps break down the topic into sections on why we feel paralyzed by big decisions and how to stay assertive even when you are afraid.

This includes simple steps for rationalizing and making choices that once left you frozen, whether those are making a career change, leaving a relationship, moving to a new city, or something else.

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7. The Confidence Gap

The Confidence Gap

In The Confidence Gap, Dr. Russ Harris suggests that the secret to confidence is not getting over fears but learning to form a new attitude toward and relationship with them.

His book offers a groundbreaking new method of cognitive behavioral therapy to help people who feel crippled by their low self-esteem. The book includes simple techniques for using mindfulness in addressing negative self-talk and solidifying your sense of self.

These might seem like big challenges, but The Confidence Gap makes them easy and accessible.

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8. Presence


Professor Amy Cuddy offers a unique perspective on confidence and the science of mind-body techniques in Presence. Cuddy gained the world’s attention during her TED Talk on power poses and how they affect our inner sense of self.

In Presence, she expands on this idea and offers easy techniques for improving your confidence by making small physical changes. If that idea sounds preposterous, know that it is backed by some real science — science that Cuddy dives into more deeply in the course of these lessons.

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9. Quiet


Introverts are often characterized as people who are shy, timid, or afraid to stand up for themselves. In Quiet, Susan Cain describes how introverts actually have qualities that can help them develop an enormous amount of self-confidence and drive.

Far from being sensitive, they have a huge inner strength — but it takes practice to learn how to tap into that.

This insightful book illustrates how our society defers to extroverts, leaving quieter people overlooked. But Cain also explores the potential for these people to stand out from the crowd uniquely.

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10. The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big

Dr. David Schwartz offers a big challenge in The Magic of Thinking Big: cultivating a mindset that prepares you to strive for your greatest dreams!

The book features curated, simple techniques to help you understand the psychology of self-confidence and standing up for yourself. These can be applied to personal relationships, marriages, workplaces, and other scenarios.

Highlights include learning to banish your fear of failure and think like a leader, not a victim.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I read confidence books?

Reading confidence books can help you learn new ways to build your self-esteem and feel stronger inside. They can also help you understand why you might feel unsure or scared sometimes and show you how to be brave and face those feelings. With the right book, you can find guidance and support. You can learn to trust yourself more and feel better about who you are.

How can books about confidence help me?

Confidence books help you by teaching you how to think positively, believe in yourself, and be proud of who you are. They also give you tools to handle tough situations and show you how to make friends and be a good friend to others. Confidence books can help you become more successful and happier in life. They can also teach you how to express yourself effectively, manage your time wisely, and become a leader. With the right kind of confidence book, you can be a powerful force in the world!

How do I know which book about confidence is right for me?

To find the right confidence book for you, think about what you want to learn or what challenges you’re facing. Read reviews or ask friends for recommendations. You can also try reading a few pages of different books to see which one feels like the best fit for you. Make sure it’s written by a credible and knowledgeable source. Once you find the right book, take the time to read it fully and apply what you learn! With practice, you can become more confident in whatever area you choose. Good luck!

Bottom Line

Woman reading a book to improve self-esteem

In the end, confidence books can make a big difference in your life. They teach you how to be brave, believe in yourself, and face challenges head-on. By reading these books and practicing what they teach, you’ll start to see improvements in your relationships, school or work, and how you feel about yourself.

Remember, building self-esteem takes time and practice, but with the help of these amazing books, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more confident and happy person.

So, go ahead and pick up one of these confidence-boosting books today, and start your journey towards a more self-assured you. You deserve to feel great about yourself, and these books will help you get there.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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