Angel Number 5353: 3 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing 5353

by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 1, 2022 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

You’ll never guess what I discovered about the spiritual meaning of angel number 5353. Honestly, I was not prepared for what I learned but I’m excited to share it with you today.

Did you know seeing 5353 could be a message from your guardian angel?

Angels are sent by God to guard us in all ways (Psalm 91:11) and to deliver messages (Luke 1:19). One way they might communicate with you is through Angel Numbers, or repeated number sequences.

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5353 Meaning in the Bible


Angel number 5353 is a combination of the spiritual numbers 5 and 3 repeated twice. Repeated number sequences like this have a different meaning than individual angel numbers that stand alone. Seeing 5353 is symbolic of kindness, grace, and abundance.

Before I reveal the meaning of 5353, let’s review where each angel numbers appears in the Bible:

Meaning of Angel Number 5:

In the Bible, the number 5 is symbolic of God's grace. Jesus was wounded 5 times during his crucifixion: 2 on his hands, 2 on his feet and one on the side of his chest. These are known as the 5 Holy Wounds. God's undeserved kindness towards us is demonstrated by the death of Jesus and his salvation of sinners.

Meaning of Angel Number 3:

Angel number 3 is a symbol of life and resurrection in the bible. There are many examples of how powerful the number 3 is throughout scripture. On the third day of creation, God said let there be grass, plants producing seed and fruit trees (Genesis 1:11). The Holy Trinity consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Jesus Christ was dead for 3 days and 3 nights before being resurrected.

As you can see, the numbers 5 and 3 have very important spiritual meanings in the bible. So when they are combined into angel number 5353, you should pay very close attention when you see this message.

Image of Angel Number 5353

Here’s what it means when you see 5353:

1. You Are a Free Spirit

Woman holding dandelion

When you see 5353 it means you are a free spirit and an independent thinker. You know that God created you to bring pleasure to him, not to please others or meet the status-quo.

You want to experience as much as possible during your time on earth. You like to try new things and dream of traveling to far off places.

Unfortunately, you’ve also discovered that being a free spirit comes with consequences.

Your openness to new experiences leaves you vulnerable to disappointment. This means you can be very emotional. You have reached the highest highs and the lowest lows with the scars to prove it.

2. You Will Receive a New Opportunity

Horse at sunset

Seeing 5353 is a very good sign that you will receive an opportunity you’ve been waiting a long time for. This angel number is very revealing about your character and patience.

To me, it says that you have been waiting for your turn for a raise or new job and your reward will arrive soon.

Angel number 5353 is a reminder that you must not let this opportunity pass you by like you have in the past. Your guardian angel is trying to tell you that when this opportunity arrives you must raise your hand and claim it before someone else does.

However, just as angel number 5 is symbolic of the Holy Wounds Jesus suffered during his crucifixion, this new opportunity will come with sacrifices. You must be prepared to deal with these changes in order to receive God’s gifts.

3. You Have a Generous Heart

Red poppy flowers

You are very generous with your time, energy or money. You deeply appreciate the gifts you’ve been given by God and do not hesitate to share them with others.

Although you’ve had some ups and downs in the past, you are now in a position to help others. You believe that the best way to glorify God is to share his kindness with those that need it most.

You have an abundant mindset and truly believe that there is more than enough to go around. You love to make other people smile. Their happiness adds to yours. Everything you give, you get back.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Where have you been seeing angel number 5353?

What message do you think angels are sending you?

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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