Mars in 11th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 2, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Mars in the 11th House describes you as a very social person, who is sometimes impulsive and even rebellious. You are also someone who loves helping others, and may even go out of your way to do so.

Mars is the planet of action and people with Mars in the 11th House are active, fun loving and erratic. They will do whatever is necessary to rise to prominence and achieve as much success as possible.

Mars in this house has a lot of energy and since it rules Aries, these folks are very courageous.

When Mars moves into this area of the chart, the person will have an incredible work ethic, which simply means that they will expect others to have the same trait. In fact, these folks can be very impatient and out of control at times.

What Does Mars in the 11th House Mean?

Mars in the 11th House people are driven by the need to be accepted and belong, along with a strong desire to be in a relationship.

They thrive on action and adventure while still being overly generous and often naive to boundaries. They are motivated by power and success, while setting their own rules and standards.

Mars in this house can make the individual interested in things related to public affairs, politics, religion, philosophy, spiritual matters, foreign cults and other “far out” things.

It is also a favorable placement for investments in land and real estate, especially if there are several planets in the 10th house.

When Mars is here, you’re quick to rise to a challenge. You’re ambitious and tenacious and will push yourself forward in the face of adversity.

You’re also a lot of fun; you tend to be adventurous and enjoy taking chances when it comes to your relationships with others.

Mars in the 11th House individuals have a great imagination and a vivid and fanciful mind. They are more interested in the world of fantasy and passion than they are with their practical affairs.

They love to gossip about other people and will frequently read detective stories or watch detective programs on television. When they must deal with facts, figures, and everyday matters, they are more day-dreamy.

People with Mars in the 11th house have a burning desire to be involved in groups and communication.

They thrive on new experiences, and feel energized when learning about other cultures. They also have the ability to make strong commitments and are loyal to friends.

Mars in 11th House Woman

Mars in 11th House women are gentle, faithful, and loving. They can act as a strong counter foil to a partner who needs to lighten up or be more serious.

This is a position of spiritual happiness for this woman. The placement makes her serve as a messenger and she enjoys being an ambassador, she brings good tidings to people and speaks well in public.

She is respected by others because of her wisdom and her beauty. The Mars in 11th House woman has many religious friends from all faiths.

Her religion and her ideals dominate her life, they are rarely betrayed and can never be shaken.

Mars in 11th House women enjoy activities and sports which fly them high into the sky and over the earth.

They like excitement with a purpose, involvement with others and taking risks. They also want to be free to make their own decisions.

They are thinkers and planners. They are true achievers with an active mind that refuses to let an empty space exist in either the physical or mental environments.

They are very capable but they are also attracted to leadership roles. Their thirst for power and status hives them to focus on obtaining positions of power and authority.

However, this need for accomplishment also makes them seek risky situations that will give them more opportunities to express their energy creatively.

Many of these women will admire those in power and this admiration can spur them to strive for higher levels of success.

However, there is a fine balance between wanting power and the ability to use it constructively. On the positive side, these women will begin early on in their lives by finding careers that will easily support their lifestyle.

Mars in 11th House Man

Mars in the 11th House men are typically not aggressive in nature. They possess a higher level of self-esteem, are confident and determined.

These men love adventure and freedom and are known to be flirtatious with a variety of people.

They are warm and friendly however they can turn into restless souls, even compulsive travelers once they hit their late 20s or 30s.

Mars in 11th House men are skillful in motivating people to do things they don’t want to do. This is because Mars in this House gives a compelling, insistent energy, together with the ability to be persuasive. These men usually have dedicated themselves to their careers.

The 11th House is home to the hopes and dreams. Mars in 11th House people have many and are intensely populated with passion.

With Mars in this House, it’s easy to be a ‘ruler’ or ‘king’ before you are 25 years old and even if you’re not royalty it’s easy to get away with impulsive behavior.

This placement indicates a man who is happy, optimistic, friendly and sociable. He has a clear vision of his objectives in life and despite the numerous struggles he has to face, he always succeeds.

Other people will seek his advice for it is hard to refuse his convincing arguments. It is likely that he’ll eventually become one of those leaders who are loved and respected by many people.

Mars is the planet of energy, sex appeal and initiative. In this 11th house, he spends his time in the company of great minds, visions and discoveries.

Here, Mars' confident qualities are magnified by his boundless energy and drive for success. He’s also competitive and assertive, and determined to get what he wants whether in a business deal or romance.

Since Mars rules Aries, this person has Aries-like traits when receiving the transmission of Mars energy from its placement in the 11th House.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

The placement illuminates extremes of relationships and how we alter our surroundings through conflict or co-operation.

This placement can give you a passionate outlook on life and how to get things done. You may have trouble letting go of anger due to a need to be right, no matter what the cost.

You can do great things with your power, but without taking time out to live by your heart and be with friends and loved ones, you will feel like it is not enough.

The placement of Mars in the 11th house of the natal chart indicates a person who has an attitude of cooperation, teamwork and harmony towards the other members of the community.

He or she usually is well liked by others because of his or her friendly and independent character.

People with Mars here tend to be judges on the side of the dock who like to set community standards. They create order and they live authority, sometimes to excess.

Mars in the 11th house indicates that you can be an extravert. You have good relations with all class of people, not only the rich but with laborers or middle class also. This placement is considered to be an excellent placement for public service.

Mars is the planet of action. When it is located in the 11th house of a natal chart, the native is perceived as someone who cannot be stopped. He or she can get to any one of his goals through incredible discipline and hard work.

Meaning in Synastry

Mars in the 11th House synastry is a strong indication that there is nurturing support from the partner, and neither partner needs to feel alone or need to take on the responsibilities of raising children.

However, if these parts of the natal charts are stressful on each other by aspect, they may find that the nurturing support one gets from the partner does not meet a need for either partner.

If you have Mars in the 11th House of your synastry chart, this can indicate a feeling of being ‘wanted’, almost as if there is a sense that you were born to be part of something larger than yourself.

You may feel as though everyone needs you and everyone wants you to join their team. This could also show that your affections are often misplaced or unreciprocated.

As a red planet, Mars can indicate self-centeredness and aggression but it can also show fiery energy which is harnessed by the 11th House as a sporty energy and desire to compete.

This synastry aspect reveals an individual with a lot of energy and assertiveness. This person can be extremely motivated to chase his or her goals, whether they are personal or professional.

This aspect can also indicate a friend, or close colleague with whom you will have a very intense relationship.

If Mars is in your partner’s 11th house then you’re looking at a kind of empowerment that you do not want to take lightly.

When we are feeling truly empowered by our partners, it is easy for us to let loose. We can take the risks that we need to take in order to get where we need to go. We can also give others the power that they need in order for them to grow as well.

When your partner has Mars in the 11th House, your relationship will be exciting and dynamic. You’ll both need to be in the limelight and this will involve travel or attending social events.

You may have a great deal of physical energy, which you could channel into sports or exercise. If your partner has been less than active in finances in the past, Mars in the 11th House can inspire them to develop a more savvy approach.

Mars is symbolized in astrology by the planet of action and passion, and it influences our core motivations. When Mars is in the 11th House, these motivations are often forged in the workplace or by one’s place of business.

This synastry aspect indicates that you are a strong and friendly team player. You have a natural diplomacy that makes people around you feel comfortable and at home.

You earn the skills of leadership and organization through being in charge of your kids, friends, spouse or partner’s finances, or any position working with groups of people. Your need to be fair and impartial makes you a great arbitrator.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Mars in the 11th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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