Mars in 2nd House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 2, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Mars in the 2nd House people live for the moment.

They have an adventurous spirit, relish life’s challenges, and take abrupt and exciting new opportunities.

They are go-getters who look for thrills and a sense of danger, usually preferring activities that involve risk-taking such as gambling, fast cars, or sports.

They pride themselves on their self-sufficiency and independent streaks. “Live for today” is their motto.

What Does Mars in the 2nd House Mean?

Mars is associated with a wide range of personality traits – nervous energy, physical energy, aggression, assertion, initiative and courage.

In the case of a 2nd House Mars, the courage becomes self-assertion and personal power.

There is an emphasis on external achievement (which may or may not need to be defended), and a desire for material rewards for the things that Mars has done.

The 2nd House Mars individual is likely to have a good constitution and will come through illnesses better than average.

This person is one who is motivated by personal gain. He wants personal possessions and is a big spender.

Their personality issues are due to the fact that they do not know how to manage their money.

On the other hand, these people do carry bank accounts and are considered financially successful.

A strong influence of Mars in the 2nd house would signify a personality that likes to be in charge.

With this placement you may find it easy to collect stuff, but you are uncomfortable flaunting your resources in front of others. It is hard for you to allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Your ability to create and acquire wealth can be so strong that others might see you as selfish. The biggest benefits from this aspect are money management skills and the urge to work hard.

Mars in the second house reveals a restless personality that doesn’t like to fail. People with this placement are self-motivated. They may also prefer employment giving them autonomy and freedom.

Mars here has a strong desire to be financially successful. They may be attracted to physical activity or heavy jobs requiring vigorous effort and endurance.

Mars in 2nd House Woman

Mars in the Second House makes women generous, warm-hearted, self-sacrificing for their families and all other loved ones. An inner fire burns in them, and they always want to be active and busy.

She is a born leader who is supposed to shine and stand out, to be admired by the others. She is courageous and strong willed, but she can also be overbearing and arrogant.

In her effort to direct everything towards herself, she can have a temper and an attitude that makes her hated by the others.

This happens because she forgets one fundamental thing: it’s often about serving others, not only herself.

For a woman with Mars in the second house, it means that she is likely to be competitive and relentless in her pursuits of material security for herself and her family.

This placement will show how we strive and perhaps aggress to achieve what it represents. For a woman with Mars in the second house, it means that she is likely to be competitive and relentless in her pursuits of material security for herself and her family.

Bold and free-willed, she is a leader who does not follow the crowd and always seeks her own path. She attracts love, possible rich marriage or may be born into a rich family with high chance of property inheritance.

This is a placement that will reveal clear frugality, growth in power, as well as honor and wealth.

In such a person’s chart, we will see the constant desire to increase his or her social status and status in the eyes of others by force of will and sense of purposefulness.

The love for material wealth comes to such people very naturally, even more since they can be truly motivated by it. Such a Mars placement might be considered as quite greedy if they do not learn to use this energy constructively.

The position and influence of Mars reveals the character of a woman and her actions. Mars is the planet of assertiveness, energy and initiative, willpower, motivation, desire to be successful and to self-actualize.

Mars governs our desires because it directly reflects our inner being and what we want out of life as well as how we go about obtaining these things.

Mars in 2nd House Man

A Mars in the 2nd House man is a person of action - once he sets his mind on something, he’s ready to go and run with it. He is ambitious, and will work hard to get what he wants in life.

Mars is the planet of drive and ambition. It represents all your desires, needs and drives.

He will be self-assertive and aggressive, he will push his feelings to others without hesitation, and he’ll rarely admit that he’s wrong – a challenge to live with.

His competitive nature could also lead him to be overbearing; always wanting to one-up his friends and acquaintances.

On the other hand, Mars in the second house is definitely not afraid of a little hard work. He is very ambitious and expects great things luck and financial rewards both in business, social life or career.

This placement will put the ego of this man on a higher pedestal. Even if he is quiet and shy, he wants to rely on his own strength and make all decisions by himself.

The positive side of Mars in the 2nd house is that he probably doesn’t care about how others feel, and this also can be his advantage when it comes to competitions. In this case, he will not make any compromise in order to achieve his goal.

He is a confident, self-respecting individual with positive and progressive attitude towards worldly life.

He will pursue his business interests wholeheartedly to make more money, maintain proper hygiene, and keep himself in fine health to meet his every day challenges.

Men with Mars in the Second House are ambitious individuals who are constantly driven towards achieving their goals.

In a career context, this position usually indicates an excellent ability to manage and oversee projects and people, which can lead to great success within the business world.

This placement is a big confidence booster. You’re also motivated to utilize money on investments, savings or insurance.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Mars in the 2nd House can be quite an active placement, affecting your overall life. This placement has a noticeable influence on those born with it.

It can be a boost to confidence and assertiveness, but at the same time, these people can sometimes be a bit impulsive and rash.

You are rather headstrong and according to this placement, you value your appearance, but at time you might place too much of an importance on physical charm.

Mars in the 2nd House indicates a person who is motivated by personal needs and desires rather than by external pressures to conform or do what is expected.

The need for personal satisfaction comes ahead of other considerations and if this need is fulfilled, the person will be happy for it.

Mars here means that your interests revolve around how well you can acquire things, and this is an area where you may work hard and achieve success.

Fundamentally you need to find ways of showing off your resources - you’re not drawn to pointless or idle display, just things that allow people to see how much you have.

When Mars is located in the Second House, impulsiveness and aggression can easily be expressed towards living beings or property under this placement.

The individual can easily be a selfish person who takes dangerous risks and may have a tendency towards criminal activity.

The house that Mars is placed in indicate where our resources must come from and it is indicative of what gives us the desire to be successful in this life.

Mars is the planet of action, and when it appears in the 2nd house, it indicates that you are highly motivated to do things for yourself and your family.

However, because this placement can be somewhat shortsighted, you may overlook some long-term goals.

Mars and money go hand in hand. Mars indicating what makes one a warrior in the world of manifestation, is found placed in the house of prosperity raising the demand for such a high degree of manifestation energy.

We master our own energies, reaching higher levels that affect others around us as we travel through life. This position also creates individuals who have excellent communication skills.

Meaning in Synastry

Mars in the 2nd House synastry shows that the man will be very active, courageous and charming. He doesn’t get afraid by problems and finding solutions to them.

Unexpectedly, this position assists him in achieving any goal in a short period of time. He is also able to finish his work after defined deadlines, which leads to good results.

When two people with Mars in the 2nd House in their synastry chart meet, they begin to realize that financial issues are of importance and will surface during the relationship. They each give a different “take” on money matters, and this can lead to disagreements.

If a woman’s Mars is in her man’s 2nd House she has a tendency to be selfish in relationship areas and will put herself first.

She will have a tendency to be over-dominating, aggressive when it comes to sex and money (her area of passion) and selfish with relationship things. She will tend to make decisions without consulting the other partner first.

If your significant other carries Mars in the second house, this can be a great asset to your money dealings. This makes you more likely to team up to make joint financial investments, but his real wealth comes from his career.

He is likely to work as a salesman of some sort, and will provide ample support for your material needs, so long as you don’t rely on him too much.

Negatively, Mars in the Second House can be more about a tendency to overspend. However, when partnered with Venus in the Second House it tends to be less about this and more about your loved one having a great deal of energy for being able to accomplish their goals.

In synastry, if one partner has Mars in their 2nd house, then their relationship will naturally experience more push and pull than other relationships they may have with different placements of Mars.

Mars is the planet of action and self-expression. This combination would suggest a dynamic, forceful partner who acts first and thinks later.

That can be an oversimplification of the Mars in 2nd House synastry situation but it also points to somebody who is somewhat aggressive, spontaneous and impatient.

Mars is the planet of drive, aggression, energy and desire. And when he lands in a person’s 2nd House (things that person “owns”), it can really be the only way to describe what happens: aggression.

Aggression to acquire stuff. To demand things from their partner. To want everything now!

If your partner has Mars in the second house, you’ll naturally enjoy a good deal of physical compatibility. If they care about their financial matters and work hard to earn money, they’ll also probably be keen on building wealth together.

They’re generous with their own resources when it comes to helping you out – just don’t expect any easy handouts from them!

A positive Mars in the second house can indicate prosperity and financial gains, especially if it is placed in a water sign or in conjunction with a planet that rules water.

The planets Mars and Venus have an influence over the 2nd house in any kind of togetherness. This is a sign that both the partner and the partner’s money will be attractive to you.

It also means that you have an impact on your partner’s earning power, a fortunate but risky position from which to work.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Mars in the 2nd House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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