Mars in 6th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 2, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Mars in the 6th House person will generally be an ambitious, driven individual with an assertive personality who is also a hard worker. They will be full of self-confidence and energy but also one who can be rash and impulsive.

To some degree, they may feel isolated because they sense that their time is not now and this can lead to a tendency towards cynicism and resentment.

It may seem like these persons are continually pushing themselves to do better as they may have high expectations for themselves.

They can appear moody and restless to others but on close inspection you will find that their actions are almost always aimed at attaining perfection.

What Does Mars in the 6th House Mean?

The Mars in 6th House personality will take every risk. In fact, they tend to court danger, which can lead to excessive accidents.

This placement is a force to be reckoned with, and they don’t give up in the face of adversity.

They strive for perfection, but tend to think that only they can do it right. The Mars in 6th House personality gains confidence from knowing how to get things done on their own and appreciates practical solutions to problems.

However, it’s important for them to learn when to let others lend a hand, because the people around them can certainly help make their biggest dreams come true.

A Mars in 6th House person is quick to act and tends to be impatient. They often act on impulse without thinking it through.

This person is always in a rush. Their sense of urgency is very powerful and can be used to motivate, or it can lead them to run roughshod over others.

Bold, adventuresome, and fearless. A person with Mars in the 6th House will be energetic and an enthusiastic doer who is never afraid to try something new.

This type of person tends to make enemies easily and is often characterized by arrogance and a forceful manner.

They have an amazing ability to recover quickly from illness or aftermath of surgery and they feel energized afterward. They will be more competitive than cooperative, showing dominion over the sick and weak.

If Mars is afflicted, there may be accidents or injuries while traveling. These people have a tendency to endure pain stoically, but because they’re so cramped for space, at times they can be very irritable.

The placement of Mars not only gives you a powerful sense of responsibility, but also makes you a bit of an extremist. For those who strive to take on the world and conquer it, this position offers a limitless stream of enthusiasm and energy.

Mars in 6th House Woman

She’s bold, assertive and will never pass up an opportunity to travel or walk in the opposite direction of the crowd. She knows who she is and she won’t let you tell her otherwise.

The Mars in the 6th House woman has a very masculine energy. She is sensual and motivated by her desires.

She will go to anything lengths to get what she wants making this a woman who simply knows how to get things done.

Few can match her competitive streak. She loves go fast, adrenalin rushes. But even with all of this lust for life and the thrill seeking behavior, she is still a homebody at heart with a love of family and hearth.

Mars in sixth house women are selfless and sacrificial-minded. They are extremely helpful to others, self-sacrificing and hard working.

They like doing work which has a social benefit or if it has a missionary zeal about it, they will not mind doing it for long periods of time.

This woman grows in a fondness for things of great beauty, for quiet, restful solitude, and for the company of high-minded, good-natured friends. She is completely free from worry and anxiety, overwork or petty troubles.

She has a talent for organizing her many pet interests into a smoothly functioning routine. There could be an artistic talent here that would be all the more successful if it is channeled through a specific hobby or organized form of creative expression.

These lovers are driven to satisfy their innate need for action. Power is derived from experimentation. Curiosity spurs them on to learn and try new things all day long.

Assertiveness and self-confidence inspire them to communicate their ideas and get involved with others during discussions, which come easily.

If you’re born with Mars in the 6th House, the person you become has big ambitions taking root in small beginnings. You’ve gone from surviving to thriving, and nobody is more surprised about it than you.

This placement indicates a woman’s quest for independence, aspirations and inner urge of becoming creative as well as her strong desire to make an impact on the society.

She is patient but insistent, she may find it hard to obtain immediate satisfaction. She tends to be impulsive and quick tempered at times but also possesses great optimism and indomitable spirit.

She tends to be ambitious and hard working in all she undertakes while simultaneously relying on her innate ability of cunning and deception.

This strong and independent woman takes pride in having a career. Flirtatious and full of energy, she is determined to make her own way—with or without a man’s help.

Her mind can be very developed. She appreciates power and being in control of herself.

Mars in 6th House women are inventive, truthful, restless and entertaining. They have a strong desire for knowledge and to travel.

This Mars placement can make a woman very competitive and ambitious. These women are very good at just about anything they decide to do.

Mars in 6th House Man

The Mars in the 6th House man is very active inside of his circle. The 6th House is the house of duties and responsibilities. Therefore, this type of personality is very active at work, but also at school or any organization where he is involved.

These men are often the ones taking risks and challenge themselves to go out of their comfort zone.

They have a great sense of adventure and they may put themselves in difficult situations quite often. They like to travel even though they may not have the money for it.

A Mars in 6th House man is the true definition of unique. You’re often seen as an eccentric thinking that sets you apart from others. Your unique outlook on life makes it difficult for most to understand your thoughts.

Although you may have a tough exterior, you’re sensitive and compassionate. They are highly intelligent and productive.

In fact, if it wasn’t for his aggressive personality, he may be one of the easiest signs to understand.

The presence of Mars in the 6th House reveals some marked traits in the disposition of a person. They are very ambitious, hardworking, executive; he senses and wants to be in control of things.

He forms close and deep friendships based on loyalty and honesty between friends and good working relationships with colleagues.

A man who has Mars in the Sixth House is likely to feel very much a part of the workplace team. Whatever his work situation, he will usually choose to be involved in whatever is going on so that he feels as if he is really contributing to the bottom line.

He likes to feel that he is getting something done, and he likes to see results, as his own results-oriented nature does not welcome many projects that bring about no visible change at all.

This Mars in the sixth house placement is one of the most challenging placements to live with. It is true that, this placement confers great energy levels to the persons.

They have a great sense of determination and can work very hard to achieve their goals.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

The Mars placement in the 6th House describes side-effects of activities involving self-esteem, ranging from physical appearance to careers. This placement can indicate a strong desire to be noticed.

Mars is the planet of assertiveness and effort. When placed in this house, the individual has a strong inner sense of self-confidence, which they display by jumping into action quickly, and taking action without reservation.

The person loves to communicate their actions with others, keeping them informed and up to date with what they’re doing for other people.

Mars in the Sixth House means you’re a very efficient worker, usually doing far more than your share. You enjoy working hard and you can work for hours without getting fatigued.

People with this placement often choose professions that involve hard labor or walking on their feet most of the day.

This placement is good for being in the military and for sports in which physical stamina is important like football and running.

If you were born with Mars in your 6th House, you demand a lot from life and anyone who is important to you. You want to be challenged, and you aim to please your superiors while still retaining your individuality.

This placement indicates that you will achieve considerable success through hard work and an innate sense of daring.

Mars in the 6th house, if well aspected, will give you a strong, healthy body and mental faculties. Your ability to perform hard work will be acceptable and tasks associated with those abilities or interests can be accomplished well.

You may have duties to your boss or employer that require risk taking of one kind or another. If you are an athlete, this Mars placement has potential for extraordinary performance.

Meaning in Synastry

A positive Mars placement in the 6th House will make your partner get along well with other helping professions such as doctors, nurses, and caretakers for retired people.

Your partner will also have these types of friends that you would want them to have. Your partner will have strong hands and feet.

This means they can handle their own business, and not someone else’s. They will be independent, inventive, self-sufficient, and practical in their decision making process.

Mars in the 6th House of a synastry chart is a reference to the sense of security, self-confidence and initiative that a person has. It is also about how they relate to others and their way of coping with difficulties.

Although the 6th House rules health problems, Mars in this House is more positive than negative, giving an assertive personality and a competitive nature.

A sixth house Mars represents someone who is an achiever, yet this Mars placement may also bring challenges through relationships or responsibilities.

The planet Mars will play an important role in how you relate with each other. It also governs your health and stamina, so it’s a great indicator of the energy level that will be shared between you.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Mars in the 6th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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