Mercury in 3rd House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on August 15, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Mercury in the third house is a person that is energized by information. These people love to gather as much information as they can and research will be their cure for boredom.

Mercury also rules over siblings, so this placement in the 3rd house represents a deep affection for family.

They react to specific type of situation and they have an impact on your life. These people enjoy their own company even though they’re not necessarily introverts.

People with this placement think things through and don’t dive into things headfirst. They are very careful, observant, and easily adapt to new situations.

These people usually end up discussing ideas with others who have similar views even if it’s only for a few minutes.

These individuals need never worry about living alone as other people will seek them out whenever they need someone.

What Does Mercury in 3rd House Mean?

Mercury in 3rd House natives are individuals who have a natural ability to change.

Mercury rules both communication and thought, and its placement in the third house means these natives will take information in from all around them, constantly changing their own opinions and thoughts as they do so.

These people can be described as “students for life,” meaning they will probably never stop learning something new.

Mercury in 3rd House people have a great memory, they often have been multi-talented performers. They are lively and witty, especially in their earlier years. Many famous politicians also fall under this category.

A person who has Mercury in this House possess a memory that is excellent, and he or she likes to read and write. This placement also signifies one who is calm, friendly, and with great sharpness of understanding.

Thought processes are quick, and the person who has Mercury in the 3rd House can do two things at once. It gives a pleasing appearance, with pleasant attitude and style.

In general, people with this placement have a well-developed ability for communication that will often express itself in many different forms. They tend to be good communicators with an active mental focus, who use their minds to help them with their interactions with the outside world.

They are pleasant and humorous but with a tendency to become quite silly at times. They are usually very fond of information and learn quickly without much effort.

Third house Mercury people love to read, study, travel, and sometimes even develop skills as professional writers or public speakers.

Mercury in 3rd House Woman

The 3rd House in Astrology is the house of communication, foreign countries, short trips, and short distance relationship. The 3rd House rules over the arms, ears, eyes, hands and imagination.

This placement describes a woman with strong opinions and persuasive powers. She is keenly intelligent and adaptable, able to quickly grasp facts related to her environment and change direction as necessary. This Mercury placement is often turned towards education, travel, or communication in all forms.

Mercury in the 3rd House women possess a youthful spirit, they usually jump to the front of their class. They are natural geniuses with a gift for communication and writing. They love talking and enjoy the spotlight.

She is usually very sociable, charming, and interesting to be around. She is probably very artistic, always looking for an opportunity to express herself creatively.

They are very talkative, expressive, communicative and can socialize with ease. She likes to speak in a loud voice and she likes to be heard by other people.

She has the ability to enthusiastically and knowledgeably converse on several subjects, mostly about extremely trivial issues.

She is a woman who’s highly intelligent and moves from thought to action rapidly. She thinks on the move and she’s vocal, she doesn’t mince words. She’s a talker and feels the need to voice her opinion on every matter, no matter how small.

She likes to be in control and to organize others into her way of thinking. She’ll listen intently, but waste no time making up her mind about you.

Her focus is on immediate results while paying little attention to the consequences. Having her as your friend means she’ll stand by you through thick and thin.

Mercury in 3rd House Man

One word to describe a Mercury in the 3rd House man is “energetic.” He moves fast and talks faster. Nothing can hold him back not even himself.

He is self motivated with a sense of mission and purpose on what he desires in life. He is versatile and the ability to talk about and connect with others are his strengths.

The Mercury in 3rd House man has the ability to think fast on his feet and can adjust well to almost any situation. They have great oratory skills and are always able to get their point across with some style and flair.

They look at every aspect from all angles, making sure that they understand the situation well before jumping into it. They are a real people person, one who takes an active role in all that they do and loves to interact with others.

He has an intuitive ability to sense what people are about just by looking into their eyes.

A Mercury in 3rd House man is incredibly intelligent, but he also has a tendency to take criticism very badly. He is tactless and ruthless towards his enemies.

He may work as a writer, journalist, or a political commentator. He can easily be recognized by his mannerisms which include walking with hands clasped behind his back or arms folded across the chest.

Mercury in the third House is not for the fainthearted; he gives a sensitive and active mind able to grasp metaphysical ideas with ease. This placement makes an individual very concerned with his loved ones, as well as his home and surroundings.

Mercury here makes the person inquisitive, clever and interested in learning. He is alert, practical and tries to discover new, unfrequented places. He is full of originality and ingenuity.

He generally has a hardworking personality. He likes to read and will often get far ahead of others his age. He may be a good mathematician or scientist, but his knowledge is not the result of book learning by rote or memorization.

He tends to build unique mental models that help him predict and expose when things go wrong.

Mercury in third house is represented as a travel agency, friends, letters written through internet and chance meetings. The appearance of this aspect in the chart shows that the person is an efficient writer.

Though he can collect information from many sources easily, he cannot be able to act on the knowledge unless it has come in direct contact with himself.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

It is important to understand how Mercury in the 3rd House placement affects an individual. Understanding and applying these meanings can help a person live according to his or her true potential - and bring positive transformation.

Mercury in 3rd House placement is a good indicator of your overall mental and physical health. You’re attentive, analytical, thoughtful, curious, and compassionate.

You easily learn new skills and you like to investigate different areas of knowledge. You have an interest in working with the mind or body of others, researching or exploring.

Mercury here indicates a restless intellect and an ability to start a project at any time of the day.

People born with this placement are quick-witted. They are excellent in verbal expression and have a unique way of conveying their thoughts. Hence, they are loved by many.

They have a great thirst for learning and can accumulate a great deal of knowledge, which they keep updated to this day.

Mercury in the 3rd House indicates a very communicative individual who loves to learn about others and their cultures. They are good listeners.

This placement also indicates that the speaker is very intelligent and, if it is a woman, she is especially good with finances. Mercury in the 3rd House people tend to be quiet, secretive and introverted but they are not necessarily shy.

Their secretiveness puts them at a bit of a disadvantage in life because they do not always know where they fit in with others or how to go about getting the information they want from other people.

Mercury’s placement in your 3rd House of communication indicates that there is always a lot of mental activity going on, especially when it comes to your ability to see the big picture. You are able to store everything you see and hear, and use this information to plan and execute future activities

This placement is great for staying in touch with everyone you know, and connecting globally through the internet.

Mercury in 3rd House Synastry

Your Mercury in 3rd House partner has a knack for making you think, and can often get you to see things differently than before. This person has no problems asking you tough questions and not backing down until they get the answers they are looking for.

The houses of a synastry chart represent the domains of life that two people co-participate in. With Mercury in 3rd House synastry aspects, an intellectual relationship is possible between the partners.

Communication flows smoothly as they enjoy exchanging viewpoints and thoughts about a variety of topics. However, as there’s no way for them to be together (aside from e-mail or telephone conversations), it’s not likely to develop into more.

When the 3rd House is involved in any synastry aspect, it indicates the expression of ideas between partners. This means that even when Mercury is not on a 3rd House cusp, the synastry aspects joining the 3rd House can reflect the way partners think together.

If you have your partner’s Mercury in the 3rd House, you can expect to make lively friends together. There will be a great deal of communication and mental stimulation between you; both of you will tend to be very chatty and intellectually inclined.

You will likely be interested in the same types of topics, and enjoy talking about them for hours at a time together.

When Mercury is in the third house it can be a little chaotic, and quite unstable. There may be communications issues within the relationship and this is usually due to Mercury not understanding where Jupiter is placed inside both of their charts. If they can settle down, stop flitting around, and go with the flow, they will find that they are compatible.

Mercury represents communications so when it resides in your lover’s 3rd house you may spend a great deal of time talking with one another.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Mercury in the 3rd House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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