Mercury in 7th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on August 15, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Mercury in 7th House people are extremely compatible with others, and that they are more inclined to spread the energy they picked up from their interaction with the general public.

They are charming, friendly and intelligent. They are natural born leaders and you will find them are more effective when they operate within large institutions or with groups of people. They make outstanding politicians, journalists, educators, lecturers, social workers, etc.

What Does Mercury in the 7th House Mean?

Mercury in the 7th house people are usually quick-minded and ready to give their opinion at the slightest indication of interest. This is a sign of high mental energy.

They burn rapidly, and are soon used up, like the candles that blaze brilliantly for a short time.

This is a very friendly and good natured person who relates well with others. Mercury being the planet of communication in the Seventh House means they are also very talkative.

They like to exchange ideas and have open communication with other people. Mercury in this house also signifies that they will tend to be passive in career and money matters.

Mercury in the 7th House indicates you are verbal, eloquent, and skilled at communicating your thoughts. You enjoy being around people, and it is easy for others to read your thoughts.

These people are quick to learn and good at sharing knowledge. They prefer the written word or using technology to communicate their ideas and look for ways to improve system and processes.

This placement also raises the risk of self-promotion, perhaps because these individuals have all the facts and figures organized to support their point of view.

With this placement, you have a natural ability to persuade and influence people. You enjoy playing the diplomat or psychologist, because you are skilled at handling others' emotions.

People often come to you for emotional advice, as if you had an intuition that allowed you to understand their problems.

Troubled relationships may draw your attention; you tend to talk about the need for harmony in relationships as one of your major talking points. You will fight, even die, for the love of another.

Mercury in the 7th House people are adaptable, quick to make friends and just as quick to lose them. They are loved for their charm, but can also be seen as fickle, untrustworthy and selfish.

They often get caught up in short-term relationships that rarely lead to anything long-lasting, but they do learn a lot from each affair. This placement is one of the best for communicating with other people.

They are often busybodies, always on the go, talking to everyone, and finding out all sorts of information about other people’s business.

Mercury in the 7th House can denote a person who does not know how to count on others and therefore prefers solitude. They do not necessarily enjoy being alone, however. It is more that they do not know how to create intimacy and closeness in relationships.

This is an exciting position, bringing a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Besides the new perspectives and increased awareness this placement brings for you, you’ll also find that relationships with friends, coworkers, family members, and neighbors are positively affected by it. They will think of you as attractive, vibrant, and dynamic.

Also, related to your home life, this position can indicate a sudden change of residence - perhaps across town or into the country, or a change from apartment living to a house in the suburbs. It may indicate some form of property exchange such as inheriting, buying, or selling your home.

Mercury in 7th House Woman

Mercury in the 7th House woman is the sort of person who loves to meddle in other people’s affairs. She is a great gossiper who will talk about everyone, including herself.

She is interested in your business but often doesn’t take time to return phone calls. She has lots of friends and acquaintances, but few close confidantes.

They have an aura of mystery about them, which they love to exploit. They have a way of keeping others at just the arm’s length they want to be.

This is not always comfortable for everyone involved, but women with this placement are very guarded and selective about who they let into their inner sanctum and who they don’t.

This can make them sound crass and harsh at times, since they don’t bother with niceties when choosing their words. It takes quite a bit of time and energy for anyone to get close to a Mercury in the 7th House woman, but she will eventually open up.

They have an adventurous spirit, always learning and absorbing new information. They are curious about the way things work and enjoy researching topics that interest them.

They are sensible and practical, with an ability to see through false advertising and marketing ploys. Mercurial women are interested in spirituality, deep discussions, esoteric subjects and philosophy and may have a mystical streak.

The Mercury in 7th house woman loves to socialize, communicate, and learn. She is very active in groups, clubs, or organizations and never wants to miss a party or gathering.

Her love affair with learning usually begins in childhood when she asks all those nagging questions and parents don’t always have answers.

She is a natural born persuasion artist, since she already knows how to trap and ensnare her prey. She knows just how to get every guy sucked into her little web as she plucks out one man after another to be her lover.

The woman with Mercury in her 7th House is graceful to look at, talented and intelligent. She has a deep desire for relationships and does not like to be alone. Her relationships will be very important to her and she’ll put a lot of thought into them.

You can expect her to have long term friendships from youth. She loves variety and change, so don’t expect anything boring from her.

There is no way that she could be dull or lackluster in life, she will always have adventurous nature and an open mind. That kind of woman is typically a well-read person, she’s often the one who suggest

Mercury in 7th House personalities are intellectually curious with an air of “live and let live” as well as a knack for handling details. An off-beat sense of humor and a magnetic personality comes naturally to you – you simply light up when you walk into the room.

Mercury in 7th House Man

To his friends, Mercury in 7th House man may seem a cool and daring fellow. He is always on the move and likes almost everything new.

Nonetheless, his real side is revealed only to a few trustworthy people but the way he wears the mask at all times makes it difficult for others to grasp him. The prudent planner ends up being much more secretive than people may think or suggest.

If you want to write a book or make a scientific discovery then this is the perfect placement for Mercury because the 7th House helps the person to do what he likes best.

He has a natural talent for advertising and promotion, he actually enjoys promoting products. Informative commercials, magazines ads, direct mailing campaigns, and internet marketing will appeal to him.

He is good at debating and convincing others of his point-of-view. He is very observant and picks up on clues from the environment that might otherwise go unnoticed by others.

Mercury in the 7th House man is a very unique kind of individual. He can be one of the most romantic individuals you know and yet he’ll often have a hard time feeling love for anyone at all.

It is not so much that this man desires to feel lust, but rather that he needs to feel love from his partner. When Mercury is in the 7th House he will try to make everything seem perfect.

However, there are times when perfectionism can bring him down instead of lift him up. It may sometimes be difficult for someone with this placement to experience their true feelings and even more challenging when people don

The person born with Mercury in the 7th House spends a lot of his time communicating with others. His ability to talk and write effectively is often so impressive that others wish they had his skill, and are grateful when he is willing to use his talent on their behalf.

Sometimes this person can communicate with such fluency because he prefers to talk rather than do things. If forced to act, however, he will find a way to make the situation work out for him.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Mercury in 7th House shows the power of feeling intuitive and psychic. You may feel you are different from other people, and actually you are, simply because you possess abilities like telepathy, clairvoyance, or the ability to read someone’s mind.

These abilities are attained through intense study, practice, and concentration over a period of many years. The mind is the most powerful tool that any human possesses, and through the use of your own mental powers, you will be able to achieve a great deal.

This placement also indicates that there is a power at work in your life that is not under your control.

Mercury in 7th House people always think about their partner, since this planet is so sensitive and subtle. As a result, these people love to gossip about their closest friends or colleagues.

They don’t want to show their true self to others, so when they seek attention be it as an artist, humanitarian, genius or intellectual, they do so from behind the scenes.

Mercury here indicates that it is very hard for people with this placement to see their problems objectively. This position indicates that whatever issues there are below the surface will be revealed in a relationship or marriage.

Mercury in the 7th House tends to make you an active, vibrant social force. Yours is the mind of a communicator. You can think on your feet, talk smoothly and easily, and express yourself with passion and energy.

Because your mind thinks in words, this position also gives you the ability to see things symbolically and abstractly. You are good at making connections between disparate groups of people. You can be very persuasive too, since Mercury rules both eyes and ears.

Mercury in seventh house indicates a very deep, subconscious connection with the whole world. This placement strengthens the intellect and serves as an impetus for inventiveness.

According to astrological tradition, Mercury in the 7th house is thought to be one of the least desirable placements, providing associations with trouble in relationships, separation, deception and financial uncertainty.

The planet of communication and commerce is also associated with marriage and partnerships, so it’s easy to understand why this placement might create various relationship problems.

Meaning in Synastry

Mercury in the 7th House is a synastry aspect that denotes good communication between partners or marriage. If your partner’s Mercury is located in your 7th House, your partner will have an easy time communicating with you and vice versa.

When Mercury in the 7th House there’s the opportunity to express yourself eloquently and coherently.

You are able to negotiate with ease, knowing how to present your ideas and yourself so as to gain support from others. This placement especially works well if you are working in a team or group.

This is a very unusual and interesting type of synastry. It can be a bit difficult to figure out, but it will define your relationship in the most unusual way possible.

The influence of the 7th House is such that it can play a major role in your relationship, even if it proves positive or negative.

In synastry, both people enjoy intellectual stimulation and inspiration through conversation. They have rich mental communication, which can be inspiring for both partners if they can restrain the urge to argue about trivia. Your minds stimulate each other endlessly for learning and greater education.

Mercury in the 7th House is a significator of communications and travel. Mercury here will increase the velocity of your intellect, which quickens your response to any given stimuli that come across your radar.

It can also be the sign of a compulsive talker or someone who can’t seem to keep his/her mouth shut, but that is not always the case.

An excellent aspect if one partner or the other has a powerful position. A very good angle for genetic healing work as it increases the probability of strong physical vitality and psychic abilities.

Since Mercury rules all forms of communication, these people are likely to have expressive, communicative children. They must plant their ideas in fertile ground–only then can they take root and grow.

There is also a great deal of social facility in Mercury in the 7th House. These people have an easy way with words and can communicate their aims and feelings with little difficulty.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Mercury in the 7th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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