Neptune in 6th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 21, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Neptune in the 6th House people may be perceived as enigmas, with their souls seeming to inhabit a world far removed from the mundane one we inhabit.

They are often thought of by friends and family as secretive or elusive; however their true motives are often misunderstood.

6th House Neptune people have a tendency to get involved in charitable causes and act as a parent figure of sorts for the group. In doing so, they protect the less fortunate, both materially and spiritually, from all harm.

What Does Neptune in the 6th House Mean?

If Neptune is in the 6th House of your birth chart, you are probably a thoughtful person who is hard-working and loyal to friends and family.

You don’t like it when people take advantage of others and are reluctant to take a firm stand because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

You have high ideals and are always looking for new experiences and challenges. You may possess psychic abilities, but may not want to talk about them.

Neptune in 6th house individuals will be much concerned with their inner development, spiritual truth.

They will explore the “caves” within their psyche, using dreams and visions as an “inner walkabout” to gain insight into their unconscious minds.

This placement can give those born with it something of a split personality. On the one hand, they are often seen as quite relaxed and laidback, but on the other, they can also be extremely driven and ruthless.

Neptune in the 6th House shows that you have strong religious and spiritual urges but may not be satisfied with the traditional interpretations.

You tend to be more mystical and intuitive rather than logical or scientific, being imaginative in a dreamy undefined way, much concerned with the subconscious and psychic experiences.

You are deeply idealistic, believing in purity rather than in compromise. This placement favors your creativity, and your ability to communicate with others.

You exercise good judgment in dealing with colleagues, and part of you longs to have a regular job, especially one where you get to travel.

Neptune in 6th House Woman

Neptune in this house makes her dream of the perfect and fair world because she loves justice. Her tendency to be a bit too daydreaming and unrealistic means that reality may be very hard in this life.

She may have to face a lot of disappointments as well because her perfectionism makes her very sensitive.

She should learn to develop the ability to listen rather than talk if she has the desire to communicate with others.

Neptune is the planet of illusionary dreams. This means she may have a hard time figuring out if a man with whom she’s infatuated is real, or whether he’s just created by Neptune.

The major theme of Neptune in 6th House woman is to surrender to her relationship with her man. If you’re the love of her life, then you’ll quickly come to appreciate her being.

She has an intuitive way about her and may know exactly what it takes to make you feel loved and secure.

The Neptune in 6th House woman is mysterious but sweet, highly intuitive and often has psychic abilities. She is an idealistic, compassionate, hopeless romantic who finds it difficult to express her love to partners.

She is a very caring and compassionate woman. She will always have a huge heart for people less fortunate than her and she is willing to help with money, time or any other resources that she has.

This woman will love to make a difference in the world and seek out her purpose in life.

In love, she is gentle, sympathetic, likes to take care of others, and tries to bring out the best in them.

She does not like to admit that she has other ambitions besides home life. They do not like to be pushed into making snap decisions and will delay any decision making until all the facts can be sorted out.

The Neptune in the 6th house woman is complex, yet essentially compassionate, confident and strong. She will do anything to protect her family and home.

Neptune in 6th House Man

The Neptune in 6th House man, usually called a spiritual man or idealist, is the kind of person who does not like to see evil, and prefers to be alone.

He is very intuitive and likes to fish for information. He can easily deceive people, even those closest to him.

He likes to enjoy the pleasures of life. Prioritizing his health and comfort, he takes care of it. He tries to make everything soft and comfortable, including his home interior.

This placement indicates a person who has an intense desire to help others, and may be attracted to a career in health care.

This individual is extremely sensitive and likely prone to worry about issues that are beyond their control, creating an innate pessimism.

Despite this skepticism, Neptune in 6th House people are usually diplomatic, capable of calming civilians when a crisis emerges.

Their personality type is inspirational, intuitive and creative. He stands for love and compassion, and may be a good priest or advisor.

Their use of imagination can be more important than common sense. There are many mysteries in their nature, and as a result, they may have frequent out-of-body experiences.

Neptune in the 6th house blesses you with a wide circle of friends and makes you attractive to members of opposite sex. You like enjoying life and may have a flamboyant nature.

You are impulsive and remain cheerful through tough times because of your strong connection to the spiritual world.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Neptune in the 6th House gives the native a compassionate heart, and a mind that is useful for diagnosing illness. They have a passionate interest in health, nutrition, diet, exercise and physical therapy.

Neptune’s placement here can bring sudden changes and occurrences in life. It also indicates the ability to get along with others, otherwise known as teamwork, as well as humanitarian endeavors.

This placement could signify an interest in spirituality or humanitarian endeavors, or a time that you may travel to the other side of the world for mysterious and unknown reasons.

Neptune in the 6th House makes for one of the least desirable Neptune placements, and will cause you to have a frustration with circumstances on the job.

You can offer help to co-workers as needed, especially if they are newer workers and need some guidance, but you are not someone who should be given much authority. This is because you have an unrealistic view of your own abilities.

Neptune in the 6th house gives you the sensitivity and sympathy to be the nurse or the doctor in the family. You have a feeling for what others need and can adjust yourself accordingly.

You are not only understanding toward human beings but animals as well. If you have a medical bent, this may be a good placement for you, especially if Neptune is strongly placed.

Neptune is associated with added responsibility and in the 6th house it strengthens the desire to help other people.

Neptune here favors your visionary perceptions. You have a deep interest in mysticism, faith, and religion. Most everything leaves you questioning reality.

Once you have committed to a project, however, you work hard at it and can easily hold grudges against those who interrupt or try to dampen your enthusiasm.

Meaning in Synastry

Neptune in 6th House synastry is a good aspect for romance, and if both partners are conscious of each other’s feelings, will likely bring peace to the relationship. Neptune adds a spiritual dimension to this partnership.

The two partners have a strong desire for harmony. Although it doesn’t mean that they are strictly opposed to conflict or challenges, in an intimate relationship they prefer to take all the problems on themselves.

Neptune in the 6th House shows that one partner makes it possible for the other to live their life like a dream, or alternatively to dissolve into one.

Depending on the planets in aspect with Neptune, this can be one of the most supportive synastries or one of the most destructive.

Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions. It has a reputation for deception, but when placed in the 6th house it expands our consciousness to become more sensitive and open to imagination.

This synastry aspect is a sign of synchronicity and spiritual awakening.

The fantasy element they experience can be very powerful, and it can influence the kind of life they lead.

Regardless of what occupation this person chooses, they may find that there is a recurring fantasy element that influences their daily life.

This could cause the person to be led astray from reality because it allows them to escape into an imaginary world.

Neptune in the 6th House means that you share similar dreams and ideals with your partner. You’ll be able to help one another manifest your wildest ideas in the reality of day-to-day life.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Neptune in the 6th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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