Pluto in 12th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 7, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

There is something unworldly about those born with Pluto in the 12th House.

Astrologers call this placement “The High Priest,” because of the way it confers a certain power and charisma. Behind that worldly charisma, deep emotions and a need to take care of others can hide.

People with Pluto in the 12th House may have so much control over their own feelings that they cannot recognize or respond to what others are feeling, which often leads to misunderstandings and just plain missing each other’s needs.

This placement describes a person who is drawn deeply into a psychic quest. This person becomes a part of something larger but also stands apart from others.

What Does Pluto in the 12th House Mean?

Pluto in 12th house people are more difficult to analyze than the other placements, and require some careful attention. This placement is associated with the need for protection and it is prominent in the charts of many actors, leading people in the public eye.

People born with this placement are able to sense what is hidden and intangible to most others. They can pick up on the unseen, feeling into it, but they don’t respond or react viscerally (emotionally). Instead, they ponder.

They think things through carefully. They have the unconscious ability to make connections among all that is going on around them on both a subtle and mundane level.

This placement describes a person who is frequently in isolation, and tends to keep everything in. Whatever exists behind the scenes, or hidden, comes as a shock to those around him/her.

This individual has many secrets, and therefore often feels as if he/she is living in a shadow within the world.

Being in the 12th house for Pluto means that this planet is placed at the end of the zodiac and signifies either positive or negative influences.

It can be great to have this placement, after all an unpredictable event may occur at any time and you won’t know when.

Knowing that your are well prepared for such an event will guarantee you feel absolutely comfortable with it.

These people are intense and visionary. They may be great humanitarians and philanthropists, but they can also be dictatorial and obsessed with power.

Fearless, frustrating, and powerful are how others see Pluto in the 12th house individual. This is a person who has strong convictions and is not afraid of making difficult choices.

There may be an inclination to be self-righteous or overly critical. This is the person who puts forth everything he or she has into a project as if it were their last cause on earth.

Pluto in the 12th House indicates that your sense of self is internal and mostly unconscious.

You have developed a deep inner knowledge of yourself and can project this with some authority to others, but you have little awareness of how others respond to you.

Pluto is about power, the unconscious and secret agendas. It is associated with leadership and power of one’s transformations and metamorphoses.

A person having a 12th house Pluto is inherently inquisitive, driven by their urge to discover the unknown. He or she is someone who always dreams big and fights for changes, a rebel with hidden agenda.

Pluto in this postion gives a love for occult knowledge, and an interest in activities that most people would not consider normal.

People with this placement tend to investigate the unknown or have deep conversations about reincarnation and past lives. They might enjoy spending time in a graveyard or exploring haunted areas.

Pluto in 12th House Woman

The Pluto in 12th House woman is fiercely independent, holding herself accountable for her own actions while seeking out responsibility.

She’s a complicated woman, and often pursues secretive relationships with very mysterious men. Her current partners can become enthralled with her, though she may not always return their affections.

She is a mysterious and intriguing woman who may be as hard to read as she is hard to pin down. She is highly complex, with a rich inner life that she shares only sparingly with others.

This astrological alignment creates a woman who is mysterious and unpredictable, and she may either be a dream or a nightmare!

She is emotionally mysterious and hard to understand, even by herself! She probably has a rich fantasy world that encourages her creative and sophisticated mind.

She is often cynical about love and relationships, but wants to be in love passionately. Once she becomes obsessed with someone, nothing else on earth will matter.

The woman with Pluto in the 12th House is not one to be trifled with. She possesses a magnetic quality that only deepens and emboldens as she ages.

Her sexuality is intense and sensual, although she may be more subtle in its expression. This kind of woman inspires fierce loyalty from those who love her; also, those who fear her for her unpredictability or ability to metamorphose into something else altogether.

They are potentially powerful, and yet, feel powerless over their lives. Resentful, irascible, and sadistic at times, this woman can be a force to be reckoned with.

Her self-awareness is often lacking and so her anger and jealousy are out of control and directed at anyone who stirs her emotions.

Flame-haired and dynamic, a woman with Pluto in the 12th House is unpredictable and electric. Keywords here are organized chaos.

Typically the same person who has her act together at work will walk into a party and suddenly turn into the life of the party.

She loves being around people, and tends to have many friends and acquaintances outside of her immediate family or employer.

She can be intensely loyal to her friends once she tosses aside the detached façade, but her feelings toward friends may still seem guarded; they may be interpreted as more distant or cooler than they actually are.

Pluto in 12th House Man

The astrological placement of Pluto in the 12th House shows that a man born with this influence has a true love for the deeply intense, mysterious and perhaps even dangerous side of life.

He may have some interest in occult studies or secret societies. Some men with this placement have been known as charlatans or tricksters, whereas others will rise above this kind of role and become selfless occultists.

These men are especially interested in philosophy and spirituality. They also have some kind of desire to be recognized as powerful individuals.

Pluto in 12th house men are intense, experiencing great desires to change the world. They spend a lot of energy on their spiritual beliefs and ideals, perhaps even making sacrifices to them.

They have strong intuition and act on hunches. Pluto in 12th House men are able to stay focused on life goals long enough to attain them.

He is the most secretive of all Pluto placements, and has a lot of hidden secrets that would shatter him financially and emotionally if they were exposed.

He may have a great desire for you to know the real him, but there’s so much in his past that would be revealed if he confessed to it all.

It takes a long time for this man to open up and even longer for him to forget. There’s also a very strong chance that he’s been involved with gambling, drugs or alcohol at some point in his life–after all, these are things that can provide instant relief from suffering.

He has a strong urge to transform the world in some way, which shows with joint ownership or through long-term business associations.

He also has a tendency to seek vengeance when provoked. This placement can bring wealth through inheritance or increased income.

Many famous people have this placement in their charts, as it’s commonly associated with celebrities and even some royals.

This position of Pluto marks a person who appears to be an everyday person but really has connections beyond regular knowledge.

The 12th House represents your hidden fantasy life and your friends. As a man with Pluto in the 12th House, you have a strong need for a woman who provides security, which can be difficult to find.

In your dreams, you may wish for such rescue but struggle to act on it. Because of this inner conflict, you have difficulty figuring out what is real and what is fantasy in your relationships with others.

Pluto in the twelfth house illustrates a person with an insatiable lust for power and domination. This person possesses an unerring instinct for scheming and subtly influencing surrounding people to serve his interest.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

This placement of Pluto signifies that, even though you may have been somewhat fearful at first, you are willing to get rid of anything that doesn’t work for you. That may include relationships or a teaching system that no longer works for you.

This is an excellent position for professional, financial and business success. It’s a special vantage point where you can see the larger picture and long term concepts in great detail.

It’s not an easy position to use or live with but it can bring great success as long as you pay attention to the details that aren’t always visible from a regular view.

Pluto in the 12th House shows a part of oneself that operates behind the scenes, imagination and illusion.

A strong sense of intuition where sound judgment is used, ability to see the big picture, and communicate it to others.

Themes are the occult; hidden true desires, higher purpose set long term goals and objectives for future personal power.

These people are naturally attracted to places of power such as churches, government buildings, police stations, hospitals or any place that requires an authoritative force.

They learn their lessons through trial and error; sometimes resulting in incarceration or having to do community service.

Your personhood is significantly large part of your subconscious mind, and where the planet Pluto resides helps you know how you express it.

The 12th House of the zodiac oversees old lessons, unseen consequences, and places hidden meaning in your life.

Pluto in 12th House reveals your tendency to immerse yourself in an area of interest, but you also might have trouble accepting criticism or not being taken seriously by others.

This placement may indicate that you endure rather than enjoy your repressed emotions. You might need to learn from painful experiences, and you may have a spiritual or psychic ability that you are afraid to use because of the pain it causes.

You have the courage to confront uncomfortable facts, but you prefer the realm of imagination to the demands of reality.

Pluto is the “planet of power,” and when in the twelfth house it endows various forms of power—whether we realize it or not. These may involve actual positions of authority, such as executor of a will, director, and treasurer.

It can also bestow hidden controls over others, as when we inherit an estate from a relative who died without a named heir. This placement personifies our life’s journey as a search for meaning and understanding.

The search may be directed toward experiences that combine to give us a broader awareness of the world and its people. And to say that our

Pluto’s placement in the twelfth House of your birth chart signifies that your life will be filled with secret plans and hidden agendas.

You are one of those people who go about doing things quietly, but more often than not, you get what you want due to your underhanded tactics.

This is a placement of tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth and evolution. The person with Pluto in the 12th House can feel like they are working their butt off earning an advanced degree, and yet not really seeing any results, but knowing that if they can just “hang in there” there will come a day when everything is different.

Being in the 12th house, Pluto signifies being more of a mindset oriented person. Plutonian people are not as much focused or concentrated on materialistic gains and achievements. Rather they tend to be more introspective and into deep inner searching and analysis.

Pluto in the twelfth house has a profound and meaningful effect on your life, as well as its effects on those closest to you. It is powerful, and denotes a destiny that will be well known to the world.

Meaning in Synastry

Pluto in 12th House synastry is a potent influence. In a positive relationship, one partner may have deep insight into the other partner’s dark side, and this can be either a very negative or positive thing.

The deep intimacy and mutual trust that results from 12th House Pluto can sometimes lead to a feeling of oneness with your mate so that you do become their guide into the underworld. This can be rather unnerving, however, because you also feel like you are becoming one with them.

A Pluto in 12th House synastry shows that one partner is adept at helping the other over making mental adjustments and readjustments in a relationship. If you are not on the same page, this pairing will help you get there.

This is a powerful influence that can be both challenging and highly creative depending on how the planet is expressed. The sign that Pluto resides in and the house placement it occupies will determine how this synastry aspect affects the pair.

In synastry, a 12th House Pluto can manifest as obsession, especially concerning other people’s secrets, or it can heighten psychic perceptions and feeling of interconnectedness with others. This influence can also bring up primal behaviors and urges to merge or unite with others in some way.

In synastry, it can indicate a deep and profound spiritual connection between partners. This is a connection that transcends the physical world - one that connects two people on an inner journey of growth and evolution.

When Pluto is in the 12th house, it creates intense intimacy and an interest in long-term committed relationships.

Typically, this synastry aspect is displayed through a mutual desire to build a beautiful and safe haven for each other and the family they create.

Pluto in the 12th House may bring about a profound transformation, as the individual seeks to make sense of the complexity of their relationship with their partner. This may result in a complete change of attitude toward life and one’s role within it.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Pluto in the 12th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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