Pluto in 11th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 7, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Pluto in the 11th House indicates someone who has a very strong sense of their ambitions and accomplishments, coupled with intense feelings and opinions about those who are considered underachievers.

They may often be the center of attention in social situations and find themselves surrounded by many friends, but it’s likely that they will always keep one eye on their own goals.

Setting his sights on the future, 11th house Pluto people are determined to see that their ambitions come true. They are natural fighters, who don’t allow opposition to hold them back.

They want to enhance their link with the community and be empowered by achieving a higher social status.

What Does Pluto in the 11th House Mean?

Pluto in the 11th House individuals are attracted to the societal fringes, pushing back against injustice and demanding reform.

They often pursue careers in the realms of religion, politics and medicine.

They are a cosmic teacher who helps you take on the world and teaches you the meaning of real strength.

The 11th house is your field of friendships and includes groups of people, organizations, or planets that collectively wield their influence upon you.

When Pluto is in the 11th House, meaning Pluto is traveling through your solar 11th House of friends, groups, and organizations—you don’t fit into the mainstream maps. You have a mission, and even though you may not know exactly what it is, you’re driven to find out.

In your 11th House of friends, groups, and peers, Pluto will give you a strong desire to promote the common good. You’ll be a committed member of idealistic groups that fight for justice or equality.

The urge will be strong to use your leadership qualities to organize others into movements that serve a higher purpose than simply gratifying personal desires.

A person with Pluto in this position is highly ambitious, and has strong desire to win people over. These people are often successful due to their strength of confidence and leadership qualities.

They are very focused on career, and continue to maneuver for advancement in their quest for more power.

Pluto in the 11th House people are extremely intuitive, and their uncanny ability to spot both potential problems and opportunities before anyone else, comes from knowing what will happen before it does.

Once they have spotted the limelights of success or impending doom, they don’t rest until they have navigated the obstacles that stand in their way.

Many people don’t quite understand this drive, and view it as wasteful and burnout prone.

These individuals, however, are simply obsessed with making an impact on the world. They feel as though they were put here for a purpose—and no one can talk them out of it.

Pluto symbolizes transformation, power and rebirth. If this planet is prominent in your 11th House, you are a powerful individual with a capacity to transform anything you put your hand or mind to.

You can be a force of nature for change. Those with Pluto in the 11th House often build financial empires or excel in business.

If you have this placement in your birth chart, you love to talk about ideas, philosophy, religion, and all other things that are true to you.

You think of yourself as a doer of good deeds for others who are less fortunate.

You are one to go into full-out high gear when it comes to helping others. You enjoy being around people who have a good sense of humor.

When Pluto is in the 11th house of a natal horoscope, the native feels compelled to make a mark (literally or figuratively) in whatever culture he finds himself within.

In terms of personality traits, those born under this placement usually fit the mold of being extreme extroverts who must constantly be in the company of others.

There is often a natural charisma about them which not only draws others to them but also gives them a desire to lead or be at the helm of any activity.

Pluto in 11th House Woman

A woman with Pluto in the eleventh house of astrology can describe a woman who will become outstanding, successful and rich. A strong-willed woman and she is very powerful.

But with this power comes the ability to destroy another human being just with a look. She is a person who will achieve great success in any business, career or job.

Serene and strong even as she defies categorization, the Pluto in the 11th House woman is a force to be reckoned with. She has a serene demeanor that exudes power and strength.

She’s very pragmatic, often taking on the role of adviser. But she’s also a natural rebel who takes her own course rather than adapting to others' expectations.

The Pluto in 11th House woman is the consummate partner, always offering her abundant energy to further her man’s goals—usually in a very quiet, behind-the-scenes kind of way.

This woman is very much inclined towards mysticism, occultism and superstitions. When they are in love, they are not hesitant to give up everything so that their lover can be happy.

So, if they fall for off the cuff lovers, they fear that it could end abruptly anytime and hence do not wish to invest too much emotionally in them. They should avoid collecting trinkets from their loved ones.

Women who have this Pluto placement in the eleventh house of relationships are very ambitious. The motivation for her is personal power and position.

She understands that everything she does affects others, and therefore she must be careful when dealing with intimate relationships, friends and family.

If she is single, she yearns for powerful men to guide her through her life path, and influence her along the way.

If you have Pluto in the 11th House, you’re an ambitious woman who may not always be satisfied in love because you have high standards.

Pluto is considered to be the planet of death and rebirth. This position will cause you to examine all of your friendships and relationships.

This position heightens your awareness of the groups or relationship you belong to. You will be questioning if your group is supportive or destructive in any way.

Pluto in 11th House Man

The Pluto in the 11th House man possesses strong personal magnetism. He is able to convince a certain group of people, who share his own ideals or interests, into believing in his ideas.

He possesses extraordinary willpower that makes him able to achieve anything he wants when set his mind on something. Yet, he does not like to work by himself and will always need a partner.

A man with Pluto in the 11th House is often seen as a man with great strength and clarity of mind. They are also very aware of their origins and may have contact with former loved ones or people who belong to them.

In their childhood these men may have occult interests, spiritual or even psychic experiences that can make them different from other children.

Pluto in 11th House guys are the intense, mysterious and magnetic ones. These men often know their own power and aren’t afraid to use it to get what they want.

They are confident in their own abilities and aren’t afraid to be assertive— even if they don’t come off as such on the surface.

He is motivated and powerful, and knows how to get what he wants in life - but he’s not going to be easy to get along with or spend time with if he is not compatible with you.

Pluto in 11th house person is a person who will be conservative in every aspect of his life, be it related to his belief or his work.

Here the individual will develop good principles and ethical values, because as the Pluto control the planet of ethics, these people can easily understand which is right and which is wrong.

The gentle combination of both Mars and Neptune can lead this person towards modern art and progressive ideas.

These men are very deep, mysterious, and secretive. They will take your breath away and change your life forever.

They are shining stars who do not like to be in the spotlight, but they love to fascinate everyone around them with their charisma and magnetism. Their hidden agendas can turn our lives upside down but it’s worth it!

Pluto in the 11th house bestows you with the power to master your domain, and achieve a grand vision.

Your eyes are on the prize which results in a power struggle that rarely lasts the distance. You seek out vast experiences and knowledge.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Pluto in the 11th House indicates that you are very creative and expressive.

This influence will bring hard work, strong determination and a fighting spirit to the matter at hand.

If Pluto is in your 11th House of service and generosity, you will create a foundation for loyalty, devotion and dedication with those who help you, and/or for causes which you feel strongly about.

This placement may also add weight to your voice or point of view when it comes to helping others (or organizations) to expand their influence and/or reach.

Just like it’s namesake, the planet Pluto remains a bit of an enigma in astrology. While there are many positive attributes associated with Pluto, it can also be overwhelming.

This is a placement that indicates you are an individual who has established themselves in society and have become influential people.

You will often be having considerable impacts on other people’s lives through your actions and reactions and so, this is a position that should be treated with respect.

When Pluto is in your 11th House, you live a lot of your life through the eyes of others. It’s a great way to pick up on all of the moods out there and imagine yourself inside each one for a bit.

This placement is also about having a tremendous amount of tenacity, focus, and persistence.

The 11th House is a difficult placement for Pluto as it cannot express itself in full force as it does with squares and oppositions. However, the placement also gives immense power to those willing to take on the challenge!

Meaning in Synastry

This synastry aspect means that they are about to go through a big transformation or some kind of crisis in their life.

There will be much going on when this Pluto moves into their own Sun sign because as a result will receive some tremendous energy.

Pluto in 11th House means a love of learning and education. This person is more interested in exploring the mind than the body, making them mentally stimulating partners.

They often set goals related to higher education and cultural pursuits. Pluto here can be a very good match for those with Neptune or Jupiter in the 11th House.

Although Pluto represents our greatest fears, it also symbolizes power. It is a planet of extreme mental intensity and unparalleled energy.

Because of this, it can signify intense desire between two people, even when they first meet.

If Pluto is causing the squares or oppositions in your synastry, you feel extremely attracted to those aspects of your lover’s personality that are perhaps not so attractive to anyone else (or the rest of the world).

You may feel as if someone has let out all of their demons around you. This person – with their light and dark sides – becomes fascinating to you in some way.

Pluto in the 11th house shows how two individuals relate to and integrate with each other. It is also an indication that the two may have strong tempers and although they might be attracted to each other because of their shared aggressive nature, they will also experience huge power struggles in the relationship

When Pluto is in your partner’s 11th house, they’re not only interested in one-on-one power struggles and who’s boss – they want to manipulate your daily schedule to make you do their bidding.

That means that they’ll try to control when you go to bed, when you wake up, what you eat, and when (and if) you work.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Pluto in the 11th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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