5 Prayers for Healing, Sickness, Surgery and Recovery

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 15, 2023 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Seeing our loved ones in pain can be a more difficult experience than if we are in pain ourselves. One way to help those that are suffering is through fervent and persistent prayer.

I admit that sometimes when I kneel to pray for those that are in pain, I can’t seem to think of the right words to say. That’s why I’m sharing a few of the healing prayers I say for others, in case you too are at a loss for words.

These are just a few examples of prayers you can say, but feel free to put them in your own words as you talk to God.

The prayers for healing below can be said to heal the pain you are feeling yourself or modified to be said on behalf of someone else. I’ve included my favorite prayers for healing the sick and even prayers for a speedy recovery after surgery.

These prayers are powerful, so use them on those that need them the most.

Prayer to Heal Physical Pain

Lord, you bring so much joy to this world. I wake up each morning with the sole purpose of giving you glory. I confess that lately I have not been able to bring you the glory you desire because I am in serious pain. The pain that I am suffering is through no fault of your own and I repent for the sins that have led me to this point. I thank you for giving me so many chances to make this right. I pray that you push away the demons that are causing the pain within my body. I promise to use my healed body to walk in the path you have created for me and tell others about your incredible kindness. In your name I pray, Amen.

Prayer to Heal Emotional Pain

Lord, you bring a smile to my face each day when I think about you in my life. I confess that I surrounded myself with people that do not know your generosity. One of these people has broken my heart and caused me to doubt your graciousness. I thank you for all of the people you have brought into my life to help me through these difficult times. I pray to you with a heavy heart and ask that you give me courage to forgive the person that is causing me such great pain. I ask that you show me how to model your character for others so I may mend this pain I feel inside. In your name I pray, Amen.

Prayer to Ease Pain

Lord, you are beautiful, kind and generous. I pray that you see the pain I am suffering and the hurt it is causing those around me. I confess that I am responsible for the mistakes which brought this pain upon myself and the people I love. I thank you for the great wisdom you shared with me during these difficult times. Today, I pray that you help me share your wisdom with others so they may avoid the pain I currently feel. In your name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for Before Surgery

Lord, you are so caring and gentle. I confess that the beautiful body which you gave me must be cut open today. I am so sorry to cause you this pain. I thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with the doctor who will operate on me today. I pray that you send angels to stand by my bedside and safely guide my doctor's hands to mend this body you have given me. In your name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for After Surgery

Lord, your glory shines upon me like a warm light. I confess that my body has undergone surgery and has been mended in your glory. I thank you for guiding my doctor's hands and mending my body so I may continue to follow in your son's footsteps. I promise that I will obey the doctor's orders so that I may recover quickly. I promise to demonstrate my patience and accept the discomfort I experience during my recovery without getting upset. In your name I pray, Amen.
Bible Verses About Hope


As you reflect on these prayers, remember that healing is a process. Our body, mind and heart take time to heal.

God is listening carefully to your prayers and He may have already started the healing process within you. However, if you don’t feel like you are healed yet, be patient.

You should repeat these prayers as many times as necessary until the pain has been eliminated.

If you are currently experiencing pain, I will pray for you and your family. Please feel free to submit a prayer request so we can pray together.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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