Saturn in 11th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 7, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

If you have Saturn in the 11th House, then you have a serious attitude and are a natural disciplinarian. You are serious, studious, patient, and loyal.

You are the responsible parent or guardian and often offer advice if asked for it. Maybe we can learn to be more self-disciplined when we observe others of this Saturn sign and learn to make better choices for ourselves.

The 11th House Saturn person is calm, patient, and practical. They have a quiet nature, and are not prone to emotional outbursts or outbreaks of passion.

Instead, they prefer to work carefully and constructively on any projects that interest them.

They are excellent at planning and organizing, and usually excel at management-type roles. Although they may not necessarily be obvious leaders, they are generally the ones who lead quietly from behind.

What Does Saturn in the 11th House Mean?

The Saturn in the 11th house native is dependable, level-headed, and reserved.

He or she has a strong sense of duty and responsibility. This person is loyal to friends, family, and organizations and could make a great leader.

The 11th house Saturn person feels the need to work for something greater than himself or herself – and this includes humanitarian issues.

One of the challenges these people face is learning restraint. The need to control the direction of their thoughts and emotions makes it difficult for them to accept new ideas, insights and viewpoints.

It is natural in this position for one to be drawn to explore different philosophies, belief systems and religions. Others may distance themselves emotionally from friends, family and situations that feel too restrictive or confining.

This might mean setting new limits on those around them or even changing jobs or geography. Overcomes difficulties through diplomacy, cooperation, tact, tolerance and moderation.

A person with Saturn in the 11th house is a person that others look up to. They will often feel like they are in some type of leadership role.

They also have a hard time relaxing and taking time for themselves. These people are typically very ambitious as well but there can be trouble when it comes to success and selfishness.

People with Saturn in the Eleventh House have a respect and admiration for established organizations.

They are usually honest and forthright in their dealings; they are good team players, and are excellent at making things work in large, bureaucratic institutions.

This placement of Saturn suggests a focus on career and authority figures. Saturn in the 11th House people may have a difficult time forging their own opinions and beliefs.

They may look to their superiors, employers, teachers, friends and significant others to help guide their decisions for them.

Saturn in 11th House Woman

She is caring, thoughtful, and rarely show her true emotions even though she can be a very deep person.

Saturn is slow to move, and it just takes this woman longer to grow up. She is old before she’s grown and responsible before she’s mature.

While she may seem solemn, ambitious, and dedicated, this woman is just building a façade that hides her true nature.

Saturn in the 11th House makes a woman career oriented. She is ambitious, and enjoys taking responsibility for many things. She loves to make things happen, and will plan her future early in life.

She may come from a rich or well to do family. She wants to maintain her status in life, and positions of power are very important to her.

She will not bow to others, but does not like confrontations. She has a talent for writing, and can express herself well. Her eagerness to help others is impressive.

Saturn’s place in the 11th House describes women who go after what they want with determination and perseverance.

In this position, a woman is wise, idealistic, socially conscious, philosophical, and devoted to her belief system.

She will have a strong sense of honor and integrity. She is both tough and compassionate and enjoys helping others. She is realistic, pragmatic and good at what she does.

She can earn respect based on her skills as well as her character; look up to someone for their expertise or rank rather than their personality alone. A woman’s partners or associates will have a major impact on her life.

If your natal Saturn is in the 11th House, consider yourself a woman of opportunity and luck. You are lucky in financial matters - you rarely go overboard spending much money.

As for your appearance, although you do not shine with a special cuteness, still all that surrounds you will be perceived as stylish.

A woman with Saturn in the 11th House will have a strong desire to find a place to belong; membership to a church, civic organization, or group will bring her great satisfaction. She adheres to moral and social codes very strongly.

She is serious, honest, dependable and determined. They have the ability to express their anger openly.

Saturn in 11th House Man

Saturn in the 11th House people are natural born leaders. They have strong personality, a lot of ambition and dedication towards their life goals. They are not willing to give up or compromise even when it seems like everything fails.

They are very serious minded and responsible towards their duties and responsibilities, they always want to become a master of their universe.

They are natural born entrepreneurs who have a strong desire to create and build something valuable for the future generation.

They are more interested in building long term relationships rather than short term engagements.

A man with Saturn in 11th House would be sensitive to the feelings of others, he’s not a man who would push you out the door.

He knows it’s sometimes better to let someone else do the work. He usually is a hard worker but he also knows when to take it easy.

If there is a need for him to use his physical strength he will do so, but he doesn’t prefer that type of activity.

Saturn in the 11th House men make their way in the world by building strong relationships rooted in mutual respect and loyalty. They are excellent at team-oriented assigned jobs, and become quietly indispensable to their bosses.

This is an aspect which brings old people wisdom and understanding, especially relating to health. Saturn in the 11th House is one of the best positions for success.

He may not be your typical chap, but stick with him long enough and you’ll come to appreciate his warm sense of humor, his strong work ethics, and even his totally centered approach to life.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Illuminating your talents and providing you with power and authority makes Saturn in 11th House as good as it gets. This is the placement of the cosmic “Big Cheese” meaning that Saturn here will lead to a prominent position in society.

This is that energy that is associated with authority figures, leaders, mentors and institutions.

This placement calls for relationships with individuals who have particular values and practices that will help you recalibrate your moral compass.

The Saturn individual may be a mentor, director of an organization or figure within a spiritual community.

The 11th house is a house of faith and serenity. Through it, we become aware of where we are in the universe, meaning we can never be alone.

Saturn here, represents the pain of being alone and also the key to what you need to embrace this pain and grow alone in the world.

This placement can teach us how to separate from family or friends who have not helped us grow spiritually.

Saturn in the 11th House represents a conservative approach to life. Even though it is not a bad placement, the native of this placement may end up surrendering his own needs for the benefit of other people.

Saturn here usually reflects the need to deal with responsibilities and career. The individual normally has a strong sense of duty, and is able to cope with long-term administrative tasks.

Often, this placement does not reflect any serious negative characteristics, but simply refers to challenges that need to be dealt with in this realm.

Saturn’s placement in your 11th house can bring responsibilities of a greater nature that tend to be long-term and involve issues of a longer duration.

This is often true for the person’s career, possibly with positions that involve teaching, religious organizations or government.

Friendships, goals and ambitions are also affected by Saturn in the 11th house. This placement brings honor to the individual and makes the person highly respected by their peers or associates.

Meaning in Synastry

Saturn in 11th House synastry will demand we have a mature long term relationship. There will be no hot and steamy affair, rather a commitment that endures.

This placement of Saturn usually has us meeting a partner who is at least ten years older than us, and it takes time for the serious nature of the relationship to develop.

It’s often a platonic friendship which over time develops into a slow burning passion. The key to making this aspect work is both partners having high ideals and being prepared to make compromises.

Saturn in the 11th House of synastry reveals the struggle that two different people might have getting along in a relationship.

Quite often, you will see this position between two people who are married to, or live with, each other because the struggle is more than they can tolerate within themselves.

This synastry aspect creates emotional distance and some discord regarding the other person’s success in areas of career, education and status.

An 11th House Saturn is an astrological aspect that denotes compatibility during a relationship.

As Saturn is associated with stability and learning from life’s experiences, those who have this aspect share common goals, and are motivated by the same desires. For better or worse, they understand one another.

The Saturn person will have a natural tendency to be more subdued, conservative, and less expressive than the 11th House native. They are likely to be somewhat cynical, overly reserved, and perhaps a bit negative at times.

This placement can indeed have limiting effects, depending on how well integrated the individual’s Saturn is.

However, less than with any other placement, Saturn in the 11th House has the potential to provide outstanding support and benefit to the native’s career and social life.

Saturn here can enhance their partner’s career and status. They share the same goals and ambitions and so pull together to keep each other on target.

Losers have no place in this relationship; it is one for winners only. The Saturn person must be given involvement in the partner’s affairs to feel fulfilled.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Saturn in the 11th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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