Pluto in 6th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 7, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Pluto in the 6th House indicates a great talent for getting the job done. You are a big-picture person, seeing what needs to be done and taking charge.

You could be considered a workaholic. You are intensely interested in power struggles and intrigues, and your long-term goals may include controlling or influencing others.

This placement provides information on the nature of serious events indicating the potential for illness, surgery or loss of loved ones.

What Does Pluto in the 6th House Mean?

Pluto in 6th house also shows how you deal with others in need and your ability to deal with death. The positive attributes associated with it are shown in the next sign.

Pluto’s presence in the 6th House provides you with inner strength to motivate others. It also gives you a strong need to take care of others and be there for them in difficult times.

It is also a sign of hard work, stability, commitment, steadfastness and discipline. However, without careful attention to your own feelings and needs, your involved personal life can make you feel emotionally depleted and neglected.

This placement increases your desire to help others. This position is associated with hospital work, health care professions, and even politics or a career in the medical field.

You are sensitive to the needs of others and seek ways to meet them. You could be a great humanitarian, willing to do anything for others.

If you are not practicing a helping profession, you probably feel this need to be needed somewhere in your life.

Pluto in 6th House Woman

Personality traits of women with Pluto in 6th House are impressionable, likely to be swayed by any number of people’s opinions. Will have a keen interest in health and nutrition, particularly the welfare of loved ones.

Always be alert for changes in moods and feelings when around them, as this can signal hidden or repressed problems.

Especially spiritual and even psychic on some occasions, there is a strong desire to explore new frontiers - including metaphysics, reincarnation, telepathy, etc.

The Pluto in 6th house personality is a master of camouflage. She loves to cover her tracks and can be almost impossible to figure out. If she was easy to figure out this woman would not be as formidable as she is.

A woman born with Pluto here has a serious, natural focus on her health. It’s not just the physical well-being of her body that she cares about, but also her mental health and the way she handles emotional issues and stress.

Most aspects of this kind of person are sober minded. She is not one to tell tall tales or indulge in exaggeration; instead she values realism, facts, and honesty.

She’s goal oriented, set on making a difference where it matters, and when threatened she takes action.

Pluto in the sixth house of a woman’s horoscope indicates she will be dominating, dominant and her inner determination will help her to achieve her objectives. She is a self-willed person.

She does not like taking advice from others and would mould herself according to her convenient. She will always dream of climbing up the ladder leading to high positions in life.

Pluto in the Sixth House can make a woman very hard working and industrious. She will be perfectionist at whatever job or business she sets out to do.

As a result, she might put in such excessive hours at her work that it becomes detrimental to her well being.

Pluto in 6th House Man

The Pluto in 6th House man is a really hard worker, often establishing a career at an early age. They love to work and despite of many obligations they’ll always have time for work.

If he likes the job that he does, Pluto in 6th House man works really hard with great pleasure and devotion.

This man has no problems with workaholism because he likes to be busy all the time. He is industrious and determined to do something with his life he tries his best to succeed in every area.

A man with a 6th House Pluto is more likely to have been born on the day when Sun and Moon were not in the same sign, or during a Moon eclipse. These men are into hard work and may commonly prove to be gifted in their fields of endeavor.

Although they can be prone to struggles throughout childhood, it is likely that they eventually experience success after many challenges.

They possess an inherent talent for management and can often climb the corporate ladder quickly.

This placement indicates a man with a strong sense of responsibility and ethics. Natal Pluto in the 6th house is a good placement for doctors, healers, surgeons, psychiatrists, theoreticians or researchers. Often has an amazingly accurate diagnostic mind.

Pluto represents the ultimate evolutionary possibilities; it destroys, transforms, and regenerates. As such, those with Pluto in 6th house manifest their own destiny, often in dramatic ways. They can have a transformative and profound impact on all those in their worlds.

This placement indicates that he is apt in handling mundane affairs and business matters. He is serious, responsible, hard working and enjoys work for its own sake.

He has great powers of endurance and has low regard for the comforts of home. He is not interested in publicity but keeps his energies fixed on practical objectives.

Pluto in the 6th house represents a person who is cool, has an easygoing approach and keen power of observation.

He has the ability to pick up details or facts related to any situation in life. The level of his wisdom is high enough and he can put it into practice fairly quickly and with success.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Pluto in 6th House shows a rebellious attitude to the people and things that come in their world. This causes the individual to hold onto control issues and feel very threatened if he/she loses it.

When Pluto is here, the individual may develop a feeling of revenge or retaliation as well as express many negative feelings towards others close to them.

These feelings aren’t easily resolved and will likely cause continuous problems in relationships with family members and close friends.

To avoid this type of situation, they are advised to resolve any kind of unfinished business with a person or situation by dealing with it at once.

Pluto in the 6th House can represent an array of different influences on your life. This astrology placement indicates that you may have had challenging experiences pertaining to childhood diseases, hospitalization, or trauma.

There are positive aspects to this placement too, namely a tendency to be concerned about the welfare of others, and a keen desire to explore life’s mysteries and metaphysical things.

Pluto in the 6th house of your horoscope means that you will have a difficult time adjusting to the social environment of your job.

You can end up feeling like a lonely warrior trying to take on a bureaucratic system that’s meant to keep everyone at each other’s throats. If you are unhappy in your job, you may not be as successful at it as you could be.

Pluto is the planet of transformations and all things deep. It can indicate the beginning of a stage in one’s life or a major upheaval. In the 6th House it could suggest that life is full of change, upheaval, and death.

In the context of astrology, Pluto represents deep and transformative processes in the psyche. It rules transformation pertaining to such things as death, rebirth, resurrection, mourning, putting a halt to something, escaping from an unpleasant situation, and forging ahead into the unknown.

Astrologically speaking, those with their Pluto in the 6th House are directly or indirectly involved in work that pertains to these kinds of situations.

This is a powerful indication that you have a deeper sense of responsibility for the whole world surrounding you – to help bring things into order and to improve the overall conditions of your community.

Meaning in Synastry

Although this is a potentially productive pairing, it has a tendency to be volatile because it must always take into account Pluto’s greater role in everyone’s chart.

Pluto is a slow mover through the signs, taking a long time to make its influence felt. Your 6th House Pluto will be an important feature in your synastry to any other person for up to three years.

Pluto is a malefic planet. Its presence in the sixth house of any synastry chart indicates that there are forces at work that are dragging the partners in the love relationship into a very difficult time together.

If you have any doubts about your feelings for each other, this would be an ideal time to re-evaluate your feelings before making any major commitment.

The Pluto energy suggests that you will learn—and grow—a great deal during this time. But no matter what happens, it won’t be dull.

In 6th House Pluto synastry it often indicates that one or both of the partners will take up an interest, life style or career that is occult or involves working deep in the psyche.

The partner could be quite ruthless and power-hungry – the ultimate expression of Pluto’s ability to demolish and rebuild.

When Pluto applies to 6th house planets via an aspect this can indicate a partner who is a manipulator, a user or worse, a psychopath and/or sociopath.

Pluto’s transits over the sixth house here can bring about an awakening to the deeper current of needs which are behind all of our actions. Behind all action and interaction, there lies on deeper layer of effort to fulfill some need.

With Pluto here we begin to understand more fully that what we have or own is merely a reflection of our deepest inner needs and desires.

Pluto is intense, and when it forms a harmonic parallel to your partner’s planet of health, you simply cannot ignore the implications!

The person with Pluto in the 6th House has a sense of duty and obligation when it comes to care giving.

If your partner has Pluto centered in the 6th house it means that this is a person who relies on you for their personal physical security. This tends to be especially true of people involved with others who have Pluto in this house, also.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Pluto in the 6th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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