Pluto in 7th House Personality Traits

by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 7, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Get a deeper understanding of Pluto in the 7th House characteristics and how you can use your unique mix of energy and power to make lasting change for the better.

Find out how this Pluto placement influences your most important relationships, your earning potential, and what actions you should take to live a more fulfilling life.

This article will help you better understand yourself and what your Pluto in the 7th House placement means for you. A deeper understanding of your life purpose, passion, and relationships will emerge.

Discover how to love, relate, and be intimate in a mutually beneficial way. Consider this: If Pluto is the planet of power and transformation, then placing it in the 7th House gives us insight into how we use power to relate to others in relationships.

What Does Pluto in the 7th House Mean?

Pluto in the 7th House is an undeniably intense placement. There can be major changes when Pluto transits this House, and any relationship that falls within this range will likely come under a lot of pressure.

Relationships with authority figures in your life are especially significant—your boss, for example, or the person you look up to as your ideal parent or mentor.

While this transit may lead to some dark revelations if there are secrets or serious issues bubbling under the surface, it will also force you to confront them if you wish to heal the relationship.

Just when your life seems to be going along smoothly, Pluto may disrupt everything with a shocking event that rocks your world and sends ripples of change washing over you in a wave of power.

You need only to dive in, and you will discover that this is a highly creative time, when you can finally go after your secret dreams and indulge yourself.

When Pluto is in seventh house, a desire to change the power structure builds. This person is driven by the need to have greater personal power and control over his or her life.

The 7th House in astrology is traditionally associated with unions and partnerships that affect the whole world. With Pluto there, you’ll never be satisfied with status quo.

You’re constantly searching for your next partner, your next project or your next goal – the bigger, the better. You’re a driving force that can motivate others to create big changes for themselves, too.

This position is nothing less than a drastic transformation of character and destiny. You are pushing past the limitations of your life thus far and becoming infused with an ambition and altruism that is completely new.

Others may notice that you’re somewhat fanatical about your mission and cause – but for you, it’s just a matter of getting whatever it takes done.

Pluto in 7th House Woman

Pluto in the 7th House women are strong yet extremely shy. They are powerful entities who manage to bring along dark and gloomy with them wherever they go.

On the contrary, when they decide to explore the world and socialize with others, it creates a totally new perspective of individuality.

A woman born with this Pluto placement has a few key personality traits that will captivate and motivate someone. First, she is stubborn to the core and rarely takes no for an answer when she really wants something.

Pluto is the planet of transformation, so she will transform herself to get what she wants in life, often changing her appearance, habits, goals, and behaviors for that matter.

She’s a big dreamer and desires success, wealth, great power and plenty of adoration. She’s capable of manipulating people to get what she wants.

A woman with Pluto in the 7th House is likely to be intense and passionate, and have magnetic sex appeal.

She likes to be an active participant in a relationship and not just a “good girlfriend,” and will need a partner who can keep up, both sexually and intellectually.

She may have one or more past relationships she’s still thinking about, and this could be why she’s rushing into another.

She is often attracted strongly to people in power - teachers, bosses, or ministers. She doesn’t like to feel subservient or inferior to men, so she has no interest in marrying one that makes her feel inadequate.

This woman will sometimes be very bossy with others, and generally tends to take charge of situations, especially when dealing with people she considers under her control.

This is because for some reason she feels that she has more authority than others over them, or even that she knows what is best for them in their lives.

She is usually quite persistent and won’t give up easily, especially on something she thinks needs to be corrected in a person’s behavior. Some of the most strong-willed and stubborn women are those who have Pluto in the 7th House in their birth chart.

These individuals are prone to losing themselves in love affairs, which can either be an obsession with a certain person or even lust for a good part of life.

Pluto in 7th House Man

The Pluto in 7th House man is a simple, emotional, and sensitive person. With him, you can’t say that he is very sociable or communicative. Pluto is a planet which rules over the power of energy and impulses.

On the one hand, this man doesn’t always have free will, but on the other – this fact pleases him very much (Pluto strength). He tries to push people around him in doing what he wants to do and you can’t really blame him for it.

This man is an actor, writer, or musician gifted with charisma and a compelling creative talent.

As the ruler of the 7th House of Marriage, he might marry multiple times. He should resolve his disputes through negotiation and compromise rather than quarrels.

He has an aura of power. He can charm others, but there’s a more serious side to him than he shows.

He carries the ability to hide emotions and feelings from other people, often with the result that others don’t know how he really feels about them.

This is a guy who’s comfortable in his own skin. He’s confident with authority, but doesn’t become a sycophant to achieve his ends.

Unlike other men with planets in 7th House, these men don’t have lavish lifestyles or try to date women far out of their league—but it’s not from a lack of desiring either.

They’re just more satisfied with what they’ve got. If your man has Pluto in the 7th House, he’s as stable as they come, and most certainly will be the kind of husband who’ll give you the support you need.

Pluto in 7th House men are the strong, silent types who are desirous of maintaining a free spirit. These men are interested in understanding and getting to know about themselves, and also like to dive into things and make life happen in some way.

They are highly magnetic and charismatic, and know how to get people on their side when they need it most.

A man who has this Pluto placement is not a man to be crossed. This placement indicates a very strong and powerful personality, one who is full of charisma.

Pluto symbolizes a force that is beyond our control. If you have Pluto in your 7th House then you are highly sensitive to, and influenced by the desires of others. Your feelings of love and passion run deep.

Your intuition guides you, and there is a strong chance that you are psychic. Charisma comes naturally to you, but this can be a double-edged sword because it implies that you may sometimes fall for unrequited love, or even used by someone else in business or personal relationships.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

You are used to being in control and leading your relationships. “Me is me, and you is you,” as you often say. You define the relationship by how much it helps you grow as a person.

Pluto adds mystery and intensity–more passion and possibly obsession. You can dominate the relationship, be it positive or negative.

Pluto in the 7th House brings out our hidden strengths, as well as our vulnerabilities. This placement can strengthen our sense of compassion for others, and other people may see us as having a great deal of power and influence in others' lives.

It can also bring about legal and interpersonal challenges that will test the mettle of any individual.

The good news is that Pluto in the 7th House indicates the transformation of love into wisdom, no matter how painful it might be. It’s a powerful indication of just how far we’re willing to go for those we love most.

This placement gives you a huge boost of drive and determination to succeed in all that you do. You never give up until you’ve achieved your aims.

This is an excellent placement for those who want to push boundaries when it comes to sexuality, partnership, and marriage.

This Pluto influence means that you challenge relationships, engage in power struggles, cause conflict by trying to run things and because you must do whatever it takes to achieve things your own way. You may tend to have many relationships but only enjoy them while they’re happening.

A 7th House Pluto shows us how strong our need is to form a powerful, intense relationship with another person and to make our most profound emotional investments.

Pluto here shows us where we are at risk for unrealistic dreams and unrealistic expectations about other people as well as ourselves.

You are a passionate person when it comes to love and relationships. Unconsciously, a person with this placement is attracted to partners who are capable of understanding their desires and deepest yearnings.

But curiously, most people with the placement do not commonly follow their own heart, instead submitting themselves entirely to the will of their partner.

In other words, there is the strong possibility that this person will be very accepting and accommodating in a relationship. If there is no hurt or malice intended from both people, such an arrangement can work well.

Meaning in Synastry

Understanding Pluto in the 7th House synastry can help you recognize and accept the powerful nature of your love relationship.

7th House of synastry indicates the partner’s goals in life, the couple’s long-term objectives, and their shared values. Its sign ruler shows a power struggle between passion and control.

Your partner’s Pluto placement is an indication of just how deep your connection runs – it’s a clue to your initial attraction – and predicts what you’ll fight for in this relationship.

You may give your power away easily and become a victim in relationships. A partnership could be one where you feel continually manipulated or demeaned.

You may also fear that the partner may be trying to take advantage of you. You are probably not aware of the extent to which this happens.

When Pluto is in 7th House it can give great power to this relationship. When the two people are in a relationship together, they will spot each other’s weaknesses and will pick them on when they bring out the worst in each other.

This relationship brings higher highs and lower lows than the average person could ever experience but if these two decide to get this relationship off on the right track, it can last for life.

Pluto personifies the relationships that are hidden from view, but which have a huge impact on our behavior and life. Pluto in 7th house people often attract each other, and then become enemies of each other.

It is impossible for them to live together without a reaction of some kind. They both have the same predisposition.

Pluto is the planet of transformation and power. When located in an aspect to 7th House planets, especially with its opposite sign, Pluto’s energy can create an exceptionally powerful union when the couple is willing to embrace change.

They have a grand sense of life’s epic quality, and strive for something finer and grander than the status quo. For them, marriage and partnership is not about merely making do or settling down.

If alone, they may feel that this is their last chance to realize a secret passion forever denied by family responsibilities. In love, their partner cannot be just another face in the crowd. He/she must be a soulmate or heartbreak threatens their very existence.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Pluto in the 7th House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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